These are the two letters to the Dear Abby advice column that started it all for me.
I was very afraid that my parents would see this and get a belt for me, though part of me was secretly hoping that they would.
For a brief moment in time it seemed that chastity belts were on the verge of becoming the “next big thing”, at least in the fevered imagination of this 12-year old. I was half expecting someone else to write a follow-up letter making an impassioned case for teenage sexual freedom (“Who ever gave these parents the right to snap these belts on their teenage sons and daughters? Who the hell do they think they are?”)
I’ve never quite understood why Dear Abby treated the letter from “L.N.” as a joke. I never thought it was fake.
There was also a belated follow-up letter (January 1973?) from a gentleman who didn’t believe that either of the two original letters were real.