Americans, of course, think all the world is interested in our politics. At about 2AM last night, after 15 rounds of voting, the 435 members of the US House Of Representatives elected a new Speaker (the House leader). Usually it takes 1 round.
At one point someone nominated Donald Trump. Trump, of course, currently holds no elective office, but it seems that the US Constitution does not require the Speaker to actually be a member of the House. Guess no one thought it would ever happen.
What the Constitution does say is that whoever is Speaker is 2nd in line to the Presidency, after the Vice President. So, if President Biden should pass away or become incapacitated, not unlikely given his age and general frailness, and something should happen to Vice President Kamala Harris, then Trump would again be president despite not having been re-elected by the people. What a great country (irony)!