Angelina i think it could be very difficult for you not to use this way or ?
I never found a way, so that's a very theoretical question 🙂 I am not sure how difficult it is. I don't think that I would feel good when using it. I feel like it's a form of cheating. Daniel doesn't want me to have an orgasm or sexual stimulation by playing with myself, so I don't play with myself. I am horny enough from other situations, like when he plays with my breasts.
Megan This is his answer:
I think this is a complete different way to maintain a relationship. I don't think it would fit to our lifestyle. For us, the existence of limitations and punishments are an aspect we enjoy very much. Both of us think it's very sexy that there are awfull consequences for her, if she doesn't act as expected. We often talk about it, we want this kind of pressure and structure in our relationship. We want to feel that I have much more power then she has, that things are no longer her free choice.
From what I can see, she is happier then ever in our dynamic and she is living under the strictest rules she ever had, much stricter then her mother's rules or any other setup that was ever used in her home. She makes very clear to me, that she likes the feeling of having a tough and very clear structure in her life and that she enjoys that she must only follow my rules and orders and doesn't have to worry much about other things.