Can I ask why an idea that seems obvious doesn't work? I don't remember anyone suggesting it in one of Esteban's threads and I'm curious.
If that's OK, what thread should I ask in?
Can I ask why an idea that seems obvious doesn't work? I don't remember anyone suggesting it in one of Esteban's threads and I'm curious.
If that's OK, what thread should I ask in?
Angelina That's not what I meant.
If I was in your situation, there is something I would try as soon as I discovered that my fingers wouldn't fit under the belt. I don't remember anyone suggesting it, so I assume it's obvious that it doesn't work but I don't know why.
If I describe it, would you tell me why it doesn't work?
Vanessa Thank you. Before I post, I'll read through it again to make sure I didn't forget anything that was already answered.
The first thing I'd try after a finger is a long narrow piece of cloth. I did the IKEA thing because we're having language trouble.
Angelina Now we're getting to what makes me curious, because, if the stimulation was too weak, I wouldn't give up. I'd get a non-elastic sweatband made of terrycloth or do some arts and crafts and keep a long narrow scrap of corduroy.
If that wasn't enough, I'd try adding some decorative patches or hand embroidery to the headband to add more texture.
I saw catherine98 had trouble with too much friction. Maybe a non-elastic sweatband made of the kind of poplin used in dress shirts (we call it broadcloth here), with a pretty print on it, and then a patch of terrycloth sewed to the inside only where the forehead is. Claim it's to soak up sweat and position it to only add friction where you need it.
If there's still too much friction, maybe feed another piece of something thin under the parts of the belt where you want less friction, so the cloth can rub against that instead of your skin, or find something like skin cream that you can safely use as lubricant for the parts that don't need the friction and then wash out in the bathroom sink.
Am I more dedicated to this idea or is there something I don't understand?
Tim Am I more dedicated to this idea or is there something I don't understand?
your ideas are good, i don't doubt that, but it's nothing new. i've tried many things, but i can't get in deep enough and the thigh bands make it even more complicated.
besides that and this is the most important point, i always have to be careful not to get caught doing it, so i usually can't realise complicated plans. that's why i try to get an orgasm in my belt now. it's unlikely but it's better to hide it
Angelina your ideas are good, i don't doubt that, but it's nothing new. i've tried many things, but i can't get in deep enough
I agree.I've tried many sort of clothes,sometimes I get stimulated,and it can be pleasant,but I can't reach orgasm this way...So yes,it tends to make me more frustrated,even if there is a pleasant part of still feeling stimulated here.
Angelina i always have to be careful not to get caught doing it
Similar for me.
Oh my goodness where did you find this?
This is normal for just overall cleaning this is not a controversial thing necessarily... @Tim
Megan Oh my goodness where did you find this?
I made it. I just guessed how to get something into position without being stopped by the thighbands.
Angelina Hmm ... when the belt is that close to your body ... please forgive me my limited knowledge in this subject .... but why doesn't ist actually work to hold a virbator on the belt? I mean - because than the belt would vibrate and ... so ... as the belt is tsuch close to certain paets of the body ... you know ...
but this is not always possible because I always have to compare advantages and disadvantages and therefore I cannot try everything
because firstly i would get the trouble of my life if my father discovered a virbrator by me and secondly i try exactly such things, but without success until now