Tim Am I more dedicated to this idea or is there something I don't understand?

your ideas are good, i don't doubt that, but it's nothing new. i've tried many things, but i can't get in deep enough and the thigh bands make it even more complicated.

besides that and this is the most important point, i always have to be careful not to get caught doing it, so i usually can't realise complicated plans. that's why i try to get an orgasm in my belt now. it's unlikely but it's better to hide it

    Angelina your ideas are good, i don't doubt that, but it's nothing new. i've tried many things, but i can't get in deep enough

    I agree.I've tried many sort of clothes,sometimes I get stimulated,and it can be pleasant,but I can't reach orgasm this way...So yes,it tends to make me more frustrated,even if there is a pleasant part of still feeling stimulated here.

    Angelina i always have to be careful not to get caught doing it

    Similar for me.

    Angelina I think we're back to what we were saying in Introductions. When I was your age, "cut your losses" and "this is unjust" were unthinkable together.

      Angelina Hmm ... when the belt is that close to your body ... please forgive me my limited knowledge in this subject .... but why doesn't ist actually work to hold a virbator on the belt? I mean - because than the belt would vibrate and ... so ... as the belt is tsuch close to certain paets of the body ... you know ...


        but this is not always possible because I always have to compare advantages and disadvantages and therefore I cannot try everything


        because firstly i would get the trouble of my life if my father discovered a virbrator by me and secondly i try exactly such things, but without success until now

          Angelina because firstly i would get the trouble of my life if my father discovered a virbrator by

          Maybe he takes it a "little bit" too far


            well, how would you react if you did everything possible to prevent your daughter from having sexual pleasure and then caught her with a vibrator?

            Angelina but this is not always possible because I always have to compare advantages and disadvantages and therefore I cannot try everything

            Believe me, I'm a flat-out coward. But I think my ideas can be tried safely.


              it's not that I don't try anything, but well it is always a matter of judgement for me


                I would be in big troubles if my parents discover sex-toys in my room too...

                Even my twin,which is way more free than me(no chastity except as punishment,allowed to masturbate,allowed to have sex with his girlfriend)is not allowed to have sex-toys.


                Similar for me.

                  Vanessa Even my twin,which is way more free than me(no chastity except as punishment,allowed to masturbate,allowed to have sex with his girlfriend)is not allowed to have sex-toys.

                  which is understandable, but the question is whether the main reason is that your parents do not want your brother to have sex toys, or whether they are more afraid that you will "steal" it πŸ˜‰


                    Mainly they don't want him to have these.They don't approve at all to use sex-toys.


                    It is the case for us,but it seems common that parents give them more freedom to their sons than to their daughters(masturbating and having sex,but about going out,curfew,etc...too).It is a bit too "old-school" to have double standards like this,I think,but it still happens,and in my family too.

                      Vanessa Mainly they don't want him to have these.They don't approve at all to use sex-toys.

                      well, at least your parents treat you equally on this point

                      Vanessa .It is a bit too "old-school" to have double standards

                      this is really an interesting point, because my father always says if i were a boy he would treat me the same way, but it is impossible to prove it

                        Vanessa It is the case for us,but it seems common that parents give them more freedom to their sons than to their daughters

                        Yes, that's what I don't get. As well as - when it comes to sexual force and abuse - it's always the women who are said to be the victims ... if you trust the media only women get raped and abused. It makes me such furious they never ever mention in those campaigns against sexual force that also men and boys can become victims. Why do only female victims get offered help in such campaigns? Why are only women to be protected? Especially the socialists always recite it mechanically that all generds are equal - but when it come to abuse only females are victims of the such evil men ... why?


                          totally agree with you, it is another topic that is only reported one-sidedly. i think there is much more sexual violence against women, but yes there is also sexual violence against men and this should also be discussed

                          • Max9 replied to this.

                            Angelina That's true. Well, I'm not sure about if there really is so much more violence against women then against men (I once read a study that reports the numbers are pretty equal, just the sort of secual assault / violence differs)

                            But yes, it really is horrible, I can tell you. Ok, now it's gaining some popularity at least that there is sexual abuse against boys... but that's all. As a survivor I can tell you it really make me furious to see feminists blaming all men to be lile that and all women to be innocent angles. For example - also the light stuff - it is accapted if a woman slapps a man in the face wheb he makes her angry. But if ut was the other way round people sitting next to you in the trains would stand up and support the woman. Why do we deserve less help? I thought genders were made equal?

                            When I tell sb I got abused once people only ask me ... yeah was it really that bad? ... like if I would have actually liked it somehow... but when a woman tells about that it's suddenly a major crime.
                            Yes, it really can be fucking horrible to men also. I still see the thus resulting abnormalities of my anatomy today and that way a really long time ago.

                              Like that one TV advertisement on Sat.1 with Ingo Lensen ... it's just deicing me mad every single time I see it.