
It doesn't matter.Even if convinced her belt is secure,she would still think she would like to be intimate with her boyfriend.

Angelina he firmly believes that it would be easier for me now if I had never started with sexual activities

And I think he's right about it;not knowing the feelings would make easier to be prevented to feel these.


    I think so too, but then the wedding night would really be something completely new

      Angelina because you only locked her vagina and not her brain

      That's the best I can do.

      Vanessa she would still think she would like to be intimate with her boyfriend.

      She shouldn't. That's the goal.

        HHelen That's the best I can do.

        but it does not prevent her from having sexual thoughts

          2 posts were split from Curfew.
          17 posts were split from Curfew.


          Sure!And the wedding night would be even more special,even with pain.

          HHelen She shouldn't. That's the goal.

          I don't think you can reach this goal.


          Right.It would make her even more frustrated.


          Right too.It is logical she had sexual thoughts when she's with her boyfriend(and chastity tends to increase it).

            Vanessa Sure!And the wedding night would be even more special,even with pain.

            i think it could be a problem though. i know what an orgasm without pain feels like. when my first orgasm is on my wedding night, i think all orgasms could be painful

            Vanessa It is logical she had sexual thoughts when she's with her boyfriend(and chastity tends to increase it).

            right, it must be very frustrating 🙁

              Angelina but it does not prevent her from having sexual thoughts

              In her dreams only.

                Vanessa And I think he's right about it;not knowing the feelings would make easier to be prevented to feel these.

                But this would mean you have to start very, very early. At age 10, 11 or 12. I would never support this. I think this is way to early.

                I think it is just not possible to prevent thinking about what you would be able to do without the belt. No matter how hard parents try to prevent it. I think most of us are kind of horny all the time and I have the feeling that I am much faster really horny then unbelted women.

                  HHelen In her dreams only.

                  this is what you wish for, but it is not the reality of a young girl 😂

                  Sara2001 At age 10, 11 or 12. I would never support this. I think this is way to early.

                  well i generally only support it if it is voluntary. but i also have to say one thing, if a girl is mature enough to masturbate, she is also mature enough for a chastity belt (just my opinion)

                  Sara2001 and I have the feeling that I am much faster really horny then unbelted women.

                  i have the same feeling. but it is also normal that people often think of things they cannot have

                    Angelina this is what you wish for, but it is not the reality of a young girl

                    At least, I will try.

                      Maybe it doesn't matter if chastity is in your mind at some point. When you get weak and masturbate for example.

                      HHelen At least, I will try.

                      you can try, but i doubt that you will succeed. nobody can prevent sexual thoughts

                        Angelina i think it could be a problem though. i know what an orgasm without pain feels like. when my first orgasm is on my wedding night, i think all orgasms could be painful

                        Right,it could give a wrong idea about how it feels to orgasm.Even if it would not be the case after getting a few more orgasms without pain.Or if we read a bit about how our body works,and understand the first time is painful,but not the next ones.

                        And it is not sure to get an orgasm the first time,the pain could easily prevent it.

                        Sara2001 I would never support this. I think this is way to early.

                        Right.And I would add that,at any age,it should be willingly,not reluctantly(even if not the case for several of us here).

                        Anyway,I often wondered how I would manage it if I haven't knew how it feels to orgasm when I started to have to wear it,and I think knowing what I feel when I masturbate and even more when I have sex(which many of us here don't know),make it harder for me to manage.But is is only some thoughts about my feelings about my chastity(even if I think that it is not very possible to wear it before experiencing an orgasm by masturbating,but way more possible to wear it before we had sex).

                        Sara2001 I think most of us are kind of horny all the time and I have the feeling that I am much faster really horny then unbelted women.

                        Me too,and it seems common.


                        I agree.

                          Vanessa And it is not sure to get an orgasm the first time,the pain could easily prevent it.

                          yes that's why i don't know exactly what to expect. i masturbated and had no pain, but my hymen is still intact, i'm excited and nervous about how it will be afterwards