
Well usually I wake up at 8,do my morning routine and work on school until 4-5. Have dinner, do dishes and afterwards i can spend time on hobbies

    Daphne When i have more dresses for it

    Yes,your clothes should be adapted to hide it.If necessary,you may wait until you get more adapted ones,or go do some shopping!😉


    I agree.


    I agree about it too.

    Saintprudence it is worth taking the time to find a proper keyholder, even if it takes months or longer.


    Saintprudence “24/7, no releases, taken off for cleaning and emergencies only.”


      Vanessa Yes,your clothes should be adapted to hide it.If necessary,you may wait until you get more adapted ones,or go do some shopping!😉

      I just need a uniform that o should wear or a guide

      Daphne a thought, then: you might review how much you do around the house and figure out what additional domestic chores you might take on.

      you’re 23, so they probably couldn’t actually stop you on anything, but I assume living with parents will not be an impediment to chastity? You’ve indicated they know about it but won’t be involved.

        Daphne I’ll send a question your way now: what are some areas in life you feel would be improved by self-discipline and ladylike behavior?

          Daphne flip it to the other side then: what specific things are holding you back in general in life? And on the gender front, what currently stands between you and your goal of being an ideal young lady and housewife?

            Daphne then think of the basics. Focus on what you’re capable of doing now, and do it. Watch your posture; slouching is easy. Never put your hands in your pockets unless you’re getting something out; it’s a slovenly look. Speak respectfully but not overly formally to authority, including your parents. Endeavor to remain calm at all times. Put schoolwork and domestic duties first above all other things. Offer to help your parents more, and don’t just ask them to direct what you do. Find ways to ease the burden around the house.

            Watch your mannerisms to confirm that you’re carrying yourself like a young lady and not a man. There’s a lot to unlearn. In my view, two thirds of what makes a trans woman a woman happens inside, regardless of surgery, hormones or clothing.

              Daphne modest, appropriate and not attention-drawing. Google “modest school uniform adult size” and you’ll get some good options. The thing about adopting school uniform is that most of the sources out there are angling to sexualize it. You want something that would not be out of place at a religious service.

              The occasional Japanese source does do it well. Google-shop “Akane tendo cosplay” and you’ll find a very respectable look. The important thing with any skirt is that the hemline is below the tips of your fingers with your hands at your sides.

                Daphne yes, since they’re not designed to accentuate sexuality, that area is pretty well covered up!

                Daphne I’ll be honest, your focus on the uniform is a red flag that maybe you’re not taking this as seriously as you let on, but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. I’ve been openly trans for ten years and I still get excited about new clothing!