Christine I thought they are part of a belt by default.
no, D-rings have to be ordered separately. every girl who has D-rings on her belt should be warned
Max9 can still be put on later
but you have to send the belt to mysteel so that they can attach the D-rings, which only makes sense if the thigh bands are purchased directly.
No problem!
Not for the wearer...
Jen Like what are they thinking when adding d rings how can they think bands are ever going to happen
They may doubt a chastity belt is secure enough.
I don't remember,do "your" chastity belt have D-rings?
Angelina they are definitely thinking about it.
Good for you!
No,at least for My-Steel ones.
But in this case,it is fetish and bondage,not chastity.
Max9 Luckily a chastity bra doesn't need to be fixed at the belt
A chastity bra without a chastity belt don't make much sense,I think.
a_father But you don't wear it at all, right?
No I don't, but not sure it's never... made mistake of not quitting this forum I think
Max9 the D-Rings interrupt that design vocabulary.
I think they look like a bondage thing - the rest of it and the padlock are needed. But the rings aren't and changes the whole belt a bit.
Max9 Luckily a chastity bra doesn't need to be fixed at the belt
It doesn't have to be, but it can be, and I also have the corresponding connecting chains, which I only wear under certain conditions.
Vanessa A chastity bra without a chastity belt don't make much sense,I think.
unless the parents have an extreme aversion to the daughter's breasts
Max9 Some people like it as a fetish, others see it as punishment.
or like my father as an additional safety tool
Jen but the d rings are like blemishes on the side.
and it proves that there is a certain distrust of your parents that "only" the belt is safe enough. what brand do you have? if it is mysteel, then the proof is there that your parents at least don't rule out buying thigh bands.
Max9 that's true, they always make a belt look ... strange... a belt always has a very organic and elegant shape ... the D-Rings interrupt that design vocabulary.
the D-rings are also not made to look good
- Edited
Angelina the D-rings are also not made to look good
I know, but I mean ... one wants to look stylish in the belt, isn't it?
Jen I think they look like a bondage thing
Yeah, that's true... it also makes it look like something you don't wear every day... I mean... the belts fits perfectly to your body and looks very neat... the rings just change the apperance from a bodypaft into a gear
Yes - my belt has "D" rings (to connect to my thigh bands). Is this a poll?
Angelina I also have the corresponding connecting chains, which I only wear under certain conditions.
What is the purpose of these connecting chains ? More safety ?