Bad news for me
Well, he should even go and marry a woman in order to appeace his mother instead of telling her just the truth? Should he keep a charade out of fear?
He just need to marry whomever he loves. And tell his mother straight out that if she does cut him out, it was bound to ahppen sooner or later.
...but at that point, lost for lost, either the belt comes out with both part smiling or the lawyer will see that it will come off.
Still, there is no need to go this eep for something that is owned.
Funguy Edit: For those who donโt know Iโm gay so finding a woman I want to marry is impossible.
then you should tell your mother, i think wedding is wedding no matter with whom
Renita You only need a woman who agrees to marry you.
no, he doesn't need that, if his mother knew that he was gay, she wouldn't put it that way. i think if he marries a man the conditions should be the same
LoonyMel Well, he should even go and marry a woman in order to appeace his mother instead of telling her just the truth?
I assume she knows the truth.
Angelina if his mother knew that he was gay, she wouldn't put it that way
She cares about a status. He can be a gay, but should be married to a woman.
Angelina i think if he marries a man the conditions should be the same
I doubt. She wants his straight marriage explicitly.
Renita She cares about a status. He can be a gay, but should be married to a woman.
Well she should care for a child instead of a status.
I was under the impression she did not know that fact because if she insist for the marriage with a woman and she knows she is simply not qualified.
Oh and I do not mean not qualified as a mother, I mean not qualified as a person. Nobody can decide who other people should marry.
That said, I am not giving marriage a great value, it is only a formal act and nothing more, but maybe he does. I do not know.
The only thing I am sure is that the role of a mother, in a marriage, is only to sit in an appointed space and take note of the choice of her offspring or gtfo forever.
Yes,it can take longer than you hoped,but in some time,you probably be free of it,and with your boyfriend!
Right,it could help him for a while.
Angelina then you should tell your mother, i think wedding is wedding no matter with whom
In some families,it can be hard(it is the case for Emilie's family).
Iโve been reading here and Iโm unsure what to do. I like the idea of marrying a woman I donโt love just so my mom will let me out but I think I will try to live with my bf asap and then just cut it off. The only problem with this idea is that my mom will most likely never talk to me again and wonโt let me see my sister.
Either way Iโll be in the belt for another few years so I have a lot of time to think and decide
Then fuck her! figuratively of course:-) because if you agree to it, it's a fucking Stockholm Syndrome (no pun intended, because your profile shows that you are Swedish :-)) Your mom does it for religious reasons you are some terribly fanatical Christians or Muslims ? If you play it properly, she will lose parental rights and will end up in a closeted psychiatric ward with nice and comfy padded room
There is a broad spectrum of eventuality which can lead to having a belt removed AND not having to confine people in jaols or wards.
Why starting a war while you can just safely take distance?
You right but some time you need draw the line.
Because if we allow such parents or partners rule it's like those two nice Austrian guys
As for me I like going into all on war, nuclear options included
Look, sadly some times happen things, as parents that jail their children, a case in USA some time ago, or the case of Austria, or even another less know in all the parts of the world.
Well, everyone of those pigs start their control strategy not for a chastity belt, but for keep out phones, internet, cut communication.
It is evil but it is logic.
Really do you think that if some of the monsters of some stories here were real, such bastars would let her/his victim tell the story in internet?
Even more, think in that supposed victim: well I am suffering in a forced way of wearing chastity belt... I will search in internet a forum about the topic to tell my sad story...
It is not logical. AT ALL.