since I asked Angelina this in another thread I wanted to extend this question to all the unmarried girls here. Most of you are placed inside the belt by your parents who, at least that's what I hope, have only good intentions for you. Nevertheless almost all of you want to get rid of your belt as soon as you get married. Is there a particual reason. Do you intend to cheat or masturbate in your relationship, or are there other reasons for wanting out?
It seems like you already used to the belt and I can tell you any man would to see that kind of commitment to your relationship in his girl.

    Kaushal Nevertheless almost all of you want to get rid of your belt as soon as you get married.

    Most of us want to get rid of the belt as soon as possible 😂

      Kaushal Nevertheless almost all of you want to get rid of your belt as soon as you get married. Is there a particual reason. Do you intend to cheat or masturbate in your relationship, or are there other reasons for wanting out?

      I have noticed it too. Probably their parents know them better.

        Kaushal It seems like you already used to the belt and I can tell you any man would to see that kind of commitment to your relationship in his girl.

        Even if I am one of the few here who don't get out of my chastity equipment (including tightbands and a chastity bra?, It's quite easy. It's just not comfortable to wear it all the time and many women see it as missing trust from the husband.

          HHelen I have noticed it too. Probably their parents know them better.

          I am pretty sure most future son in laws could be convinced, if the parents set him down and talked. Also he will be the one recieving the key on the wedding day.

          Sara2001 It's just not comfortable to wear it all the time

          I guess we will have to see how uncomfortable the belt is. I really don't see the big problem, if you aren't using any extra equipment. I really believe that a lot more daughters would be locked up, if knowledge about chastity belts was more commonplace. It's a good compromise to give your daughter more freedom to go out, recieve an education, while still making protect her from her urges to become a slut.

            Kaushal I really believe that a lot more daughters would be locked up, if knowledge about chastity belts was more commonplace. It's a good compromise to give your daughter more freedom to go out, recieve an education, while still making protect her from her urges to become a slut.

            some people here in the forum have tried that, i would say with some it works and with some it doesn't, i think that communication is very important. i also think that at the latest after the wedding the parents should no longer have the keys because the daughter will then have passed the "maturity test".

              Angelina i also think that at the latest after the wedding the parents should no longer have the keys

              Of course, that's not what I am advocating for. The keys should obviously go to the husband, but he shouldn't just throw the belt out the window.

                Kaushal It seems like you already used to the belt and I can tell you any man would to see that kind of commitment to your relationship in his girl.

                No way. This is the worst that can happen.

                  Christine No way. This is the worst that can happen.

                  Hello Christine,
                  I don't know your story, so forgive me for asking, but why would you think that? If you saved yourself for marriage, why would you not want to save yourself, when in marriage?

                    Women are biologically not very well suited to resist temptation, that's why men kept control of them for most of human history. And they are not doing themselves any good. Just look at the declination of female happiness in comparison to the increase in their promiscuity. They are not strong enough to resist casual sex, when a handsome man comes along, but they only get happiness from long lasting stable relationships.

                    That's why I do believe most women in the west would benefit from somebody else controlling access to their nether regions. And if that is true for the unmarried woman why would it change after marriage?

                      Kaushal but he shouldn't just throw the belt out the window.

                      yes and no

                      if the wife wants to continue to wear the belt for the husband, then that is ok, but it can also be interpreted by the wife as a sign that the husband does not trust her. in which case, in my opinion, the two should not get married either.

                      Kaushal They are not strong enough to resist casual sex,

                      please ???? I must clearly disagree here, of course women are happier in long-term relationships, but as far as casual sex is concerned, men are far more "at risk".

                        Kaushal Women are biologically not very well suited to resist temptation

                        This is rubbish. Women are not driven by their sexuality like man. You reflect your imagination on woman without understanding how they feel.

                          Kaushal That's why I do believe most women in the west would benefit from somebody else controlling access to their nether regions.

                          I can confirm it from my experience.

                          Kaushal And if that is true for the unmarried woman why would it change after marriage?

                          Her husband might not like it.


                          It is pretty easy to answer;I don't like to wear it,to be restricted and not able to have access on some parts of my body.

                          I don't plan to cheat on Emilie(I'm faithful when I've a boyfriend or a girlfriend),but I probably still masturbate(Emilie is ok with it and she would do the same).And personally,I don't think we can get used to the belt.We can manage it better,but not be used to it.

                          I add too that Emilie would not want me to stay locked(and I would not want her to be locked),but we would probably use it as a game,after we get married.



                          Sara2001 as missing trust from the husband.

                          I agree it can be felt this way,yes.

                          Kaushal It's a good compromise to give your daughter more freedom to go out

                          It was the agreement for some of us.

                          Angelina i think that communication is very important.

                          I agree.

                          Kaushal Women are biologically not very well suited to resist temptation, that's why men kept control of them for most of human history. And they are not doing themselves any good. Just look at the declination of female happiness in comparison to the increase in their promiscuity. They are not strong enough to resist casual sex, when a handsome man comes along, but they only get happiness from long lasting stable relationships.

                          That's why I do believe most women in the west would benefit from somebody else controlling access to their nether regions. And if that is true for the unmarried woman why would it change after marriage?

                          As a member of the forum,and as an administrator of it,I strongly advise you to respect women here.In the introduction thread,sentences like

                          Kaushal I don't think she has any intentions of cheating on me, but sometimes women forget to see the longtime picture and emotionally live in the moment, so I don't mind helping her stay true to what I know she wants.

                          and your precedent post,among some others,like:

                          Kaushal It's a good compromise to give your daughter more freedom to go out, recieve an education, while still making protect her from her urges to become a slut.

                          ,seems a bit like you treat us as "weak sluts that can resist their urges".It is not a good idea if you want to stay welcomed here.And I suggest you to read the forums rules.

                          You can express your opinion,as other in this thread as done,but you should respect the other members,including women,here.

                          Angelina if the wife wants to continue to wear the belt for the husband, then that is ok, but it can also be interpreted by the wife as a sign that the husband does not trust her.

                          A long talk can be useful to know if she would wear it ,and why.If they agree about wearing it and the reasons for it,totally willngly,it can be used without problems;if not,they may have more problems in their relationship than the wearing of a chastity belt,yes,as you suggest.

                            I didn't intend for this to cause any hostility.

                            Vanessa And I suggest you to read the forums rules.

                            I did read the forum rules and if I have attacked, assaulted or degraded any other user, they can come forward and I will personally apologise. I certainly did not mean to disrespect the women here. On the contrairy, if anything I wanted to complemented the women on here that stay pure, in comparison to their more promiscuous sisters.

                            As for

                            Vanessa "weak sluts that can resist their urges"

                            that's not something I have actually said anywhere and that would be derrogatory, but I am not sure how you can deny that sexual liberation of women has lead to peak promiscuity across the board. And the deterrimental effect it has on women is not even from the same universe as the effect it has on men, because of the very different biology and chemical bonding mechanisms. This is not breaking news, people have known this forever.

                            I honestly find it a little hard to believe that there are not at least a few people here that share a similar view. I am unsure why else they would lock their beloved daughters in such a metal contraption. I honestly don't believe they do it because they see their daughters as an object of their kink. So what would be the reason, if it is not to protect them from themselves?

                              Angelina please ???? I must clearly disagree here, of course women are happier in long-term relationships, but as far as casual sex is concerned, men are far more "at risk".

                              That might be true for adolescent boys, because they have a drive to get experience and men who no longer take responsibility for a family or don't need to because the atomic family structure has been destroyed to the point of no return.

                              But I have to disagree with you for traditional men with responsibility for a family. There was very little promiscuity and adultary going on, while women were sexually controlled and men weren't.

                              Joh This is rubbish. Women are not driven by their sexuality like man. You reflect your imagination on woman without understanding how they feel.

                              Men without purpose yes, but men with purpose and a good family enviroment behind them can control their urges extremely well. Men, in general, cheat on their wives if the family is broken. And they don't make a difference if the women they cheat on is better than their wife. See Arnold Schwarzenegger cheating on his model like Kennedy wife with the not so pleasent looking maid. Women on the other hand only cheat when they get the chance to not get caught with a men that has a higher status then their man. So they are way more likely to throw away a the thing that makes them happy the most, a working family, than a man.

                                There is good reasons this kind of "traditions" emerged independently almost all over the entire world. Natural selection (also on a societal level) works very similar to evolutional neural nets. They find successful answers even without knowing why they are successful.

                                Kaushal Men without purpose yes, but men with purpose and a good family enviroment behind them can control their urges extremely well. Men, in general, cheat on their wives if the family is broken. And they don't make a difference if the women they cheat on is better than their wife. See Arnold Schwarzenegger cheating on his model like Kennedy wife with the not so pleasent looking maid. Women on the other hand only cheat when they get the chance to not get caught with a men that has a higher status then their man. So they are way more likely to throw away a the thing that makes them happy the most, a working family, than a man.

                                Your generalized views are ridiculous and may be true in part but not in whole. I find this an insult to such black and white thinking.

                                  Vanessa As a member of the forum,and as an administrator of it,I strongly advise you to respect women here.In the introduction thread,sentences like

                                  here i have to disagree, at least i don't find it disrespectful, i think the statement is completely wrong, but i accept that it is his opinion

                                  Vanessa A long talk can be useful to know if she would wear it ,and why.If they agree about wearing it and the reasons for it,totally willngly,it can be used without problems;if not,they may have more problems in their relationship than the wearing of a chastity belt,yes,as you suggest.

                                  yes, I agree with you

                                  Kaushal So what would be the reason, if it is not to protect them from themselves?

                                  that's not wrong, in fact it's one of the reasons why my father does it, but it's not that this statement is only valid for women. i think it's more that it is not as popular senn with women as with men, but that doesn't mean that women have bigger problems with it than men.

                                  Kaushal Men without purpose yes, but men with purpose and a good family enviroment behind them can control their urges extremely well.

                                  But women can do that too, it is definitely a false assumption.


                                    Kaushal They are not strong enough to resist casual sex, when a handsome man comes along, but they only get happiness from long lasting stable relationships.

                                    For real?

                                    Frankly, I think you do not talk so much with girls.