Megan He is just starting to be okay with the topic.

I think I lost the overview. Could you please summarize your current situation? I completely forgot that you have to wear a chastity belt in marriage.


    I have to join @Sara2001

    Can you briefly summarise your current situation again? I have also lost the overview 😂

    Sara2001 I completely forgot that you have to wear a chastity belt in marriage.

    She got married recently, that's why I asked

      Laura She got married recently, that's why I asked

      Great news, thank you. I am very curious what has changed because of the marriage.

      Angelina I didn't really notice that at all

      She has mentioned her husband few times already

        Laura I was married some time ago but I mentioned it in passing not going into details not going into details no one wants to hear...
        I am just so used to everything I am a creature of habit, so most of my routine has stayed pretty much the same.

        I do not have the career that my husband has and while he doesn't dominate me he does ask about what do I want to do with my life type questions. I think he is genuinely curious as selling clothing doesn't seem to be worthwhile for me anymore.

        @Laura I believe you already created posts about working in IT maybe I need to look at those again...
        I am not as smart as many of you but I am not stupid either, I think my husband is correct and I would be happier challenging myself. I don't want to exercise super hard anymore either. My body has stayed about the same since I stopped the whole movement addiction...

          Megan I was married some time ago but I mentioned it in passing not going into details not going into details no one wants to hear...

          However, everybody here wants to hear the details related to your belt

          Megan I believe you already created posts about working in IT maybe I need to look at those again...

          This one?

            Laura She has mentioned her husband few times already

            really? i didn't quite catch that. i thought she was still engaged.

            Megan in passing not going into details not going into details no one wants to hear...

            of course we would like to read such details, then it probably wouldn't have slipped my mind either. 😉

            Angelina I didn't really notice that at all

            Me too!

            So:Congratulations @Megan!

            Laura However, everybody here wants to hear the details related to your belt


            8 days later

            since I asked Angelina this in another thread I wanted to extend this question to all the unmarried girls here. Most of you are placed inside the belt by your parents who, at least that's what I hope, have only good intentions for you. Nevertheless almost all of you want to get rid of your belt as soon as you get married. Is there a particual reason. Do you intend to cheat or masturbate in your relationship, or are there other reasons for wanting out?
            It seems like you already used to the belt and I can tell you any man would to see that kind of commitment to your relationship in his girl.

              Kaushal Nevertheless almost all of you want to get rid of your belt as soon as you get married.

              Most of us want to get rid of the belt as soon as possible 😂

                Kaushal Nevertheless almost all of you want to get rid of your belt as soon as you get married. Is there a particual reason. Do you intend to cheat or masturbate in your relationship, or are there other reasons for wanting out?

                I have noticed it too. Probably their parents know them better.

                  Kaushal It seems like you already used to the belt and I can tell you any man would to see that kind of commitment to your relationship in his girl.

                  Even if I am one of the few here who don't get out of my chastity equipment (including tightbands and a chastity bra?, It's quite easy. It's just not comfortable to wear it all the time and many women see it as missing trust from the husband.

                    HHelen I have noticed it too. Probably their parents know them better.

                    I am pretty sure most future son in laws could be convinced, if the parents set him down and talked. Also he will be the one recieving the key on the wedding day.

                    Sara2001 It's just not comfortable to wear it all the time

                    I guess we will have to see how uncomfortable the belt is. I really don't see the big problem, if you aren't using any extra equipment. I really believe that a lot more daughters would be locked up, if knowledge about chastity belts was more commonplace. It's a good compromise to give your daughter more freedom to go out, recieve an education, while still making protect her from her urges to become a slut.

                      Kaushal I really believe that a lot more daughters would be locked up, if knowledge about chastity belts was more commonplace. It's a good compromise to give your daughter more freedom to go out, recieve an education, while still making protect her from her urges to become a slut.

                      some people here in the forum have tried that, i would say with some it works and with some it doesn't, i think that communication is very important. i also think that at the latest after the wedding the parents should no longer have the keys because the daughter will then have passed the "maturity test".

                        Angelina i also think that at the latest after the wedding the parents should no longer have the keys

                        Of course, that's not what I am advocating for. The keys should obviously go to the husband, but he shouldn't just throw the belt out the window.

                          Kaushal It seems like you already used to the belt and I can tell you any man would to see that kind of commitment to your relationship in his girl.

                          No way. This is the worst that can happen.

                            Christine No way. This is the worst that can happen.

                            Hello Christine,
                            I don't know your story, so forgive me for asking, but why would you think that? If you saved yourself for marriage, why would you not want to save yourself, when in marriage?

                              Women are biologically not very well suited to resist temptation, that's why men kept control of them for most of human history. And they are not doing themselves any good. Just look at the declination of female happiness in comparison to the increase in their promiscuity. They are not strong enough to resist casual sex, when a handsome man comes along, but they only get happiness from long lasting stable relationships.

                              That's why I do believe most women in the west would benefit from somebody else controlling access to their nether regions. And if that is true for the unmarried woman why would it change after marriage?