Angelina controlling sex i would think theoretically possible, but controlling mastubation by the government i don't think possible.
That just depends on the rule about the belt.
In this scenario, having all single or separated women over a certain age wear a belt is a very reliable way to ensure this.
They would only be "out of control" if some girl did things before reaching the age or married women, but in that case the state would no longer be responsible.
Angelina But then it would be very difficult to get a majority for it.
I think even then it might be possible.
I think that, in general, there is a lot of hypocrisy about female sexuality.
Even in the most conservative circles, and I'm talking about when girls wear chastity belts, initially it's always motivated by preventing loss of virginity, but when it's discovered that the belt also prevents masturbation this is always a nice side effect.
In a conservative society, hypothetically, many parents would vote for this and even some girls, like me, would think about maybe supporting it.