Avery The idea of a timed safe troubles me a tad as it's possible you might have some sort of emergency.
Have you looked at the kitchen safe? Like I wrote you can break it if you need to.
Avery The container would stay in either your sister's or mother's room but they would not handle them. Would they agree to that? Then they never touch the keys but you would have to enter their rooms to get them which might discourage your access.
I don't quite see how this would work. (I mean that might just be me, not at all saying it could not work.) If your mother/sister know about you storing the key with them, they become your keyholder, even if they don't actually touch it. They could always decide to deny you access to your key, like to hide it somewhere else or keep it on their person. You should think carefully if you would trust either of them enough not to try and take control, like if you'd have a dispute with her, or she wants something from you. So you would still need to come to an agreement, or perhaps even draw up a contract, to make it clear for both sides what is expected and what is not OK.
Lightnin_47 You're right but i can take the emergency key with me
You'll need to think of a way how to prevent yourself from using the emergency key then. There are some people here on the forum who have an emergency key packed in something that needs to be destroyed to get to the key (e.g. candlewax). Then the keyholder will know they accessed it, and give punishment if it was not an actual emergency. But without a keyholder, there would be no consequences for removing the packing...