Amira I will still have the opportunity to take baths without the belt on for relaxation, but then the door to the bathroom can't be closed.
Now I'm quoting myself....
Vanessa Possible,but she write "closed",and,in this situation,it would make sense...
I meant that the door to the bathroom stays a bit open.
Raziel I thought it was about to go in the wrong direction.
so far the direction of the whole thread was perfectly ok to me 🙂
Chris1 So to be sure I understand it right, you are still allowed releases but you're not allowed to touch yourself anymore, right?
Hmmm, it is a bit more complicated than that: I want to stop it so I asked to stop these releases for that purpose, but not for the purpose of relaxing baths. I hope you understand what I mean.
Billy has your new agreement changed anything about thighbands? Do you think you will fight more or less because of this in the future?
I think I am going to fight less in the future and I never really put up a fight about the belt anyway, I sometimes fought against the effects of it when I was wearing it though.
there's a bit of news about my thigh bands. I started to wear them on Fridays from after school till around mid day of Saturday. I do so as my Mom said that she thinks this is something I should consider because friday is the most important day of the week in the muslim week.