youdontknowme Excuse me for being unclear with my wording. I meant measures where the unpleasant part is necessary to achieve an objective, not necessarily where it is the objective.
We don't use it. I think it is called educational spankings. If I understand you correctly.
Avery OK. So you have consented to enter into a relationship where you do not have equal power. I understand that kind of relationship.
Yes and everything without consent is wrong and abusive.
Avery But right alongside your stuff are postings where young people are in relationships where they have no choice in whether they participate and that's what sets me off.
I was not forced in this relationship, my parents forced me to see him once, but said at the very beginning that they will not force me in a relationship with him and if I don't like him, there would have be no need to ever see him again. Luckily it ended in a very happy and consensual relationship.
youdontknowme The key is that you had equapl power before you chose this relationship, so you could freely choose whether to give consent. That makes a huge difference.
Yes and another key is that you have a way in your relationship to change your mind. I have agreed to a 6 months waiting period if I ever change my mind about this lifestyle. If I want to continue the relationship with him but not the lifestyle, Everything stays as it is and if I still have the same opinion after 6 months, we switch to equal rights.