• GeneralSocial
  • What would you need for a chastity-friendly culture?

The title largely speaks for itself. What is it, that would make your culture - or if you prefer a smaller scope: your immediate social environment - chastity-friendly? Or more chastity-friendly? What would you need? What would you wish for?

It can be everything, from small, specific, or profane things, like "more frequent cleaning in my college's restrooms" to big societal changes, like "chastity awareness and non-discrimination laws" ;-) or whatever. I guess, as long as it makes things easier for you, it will be fine.

For the start, let's just brainstorm. If certain points create significant resonance and a desire for more intense debate, we could create branches and spawn new topics from it.

    I think that nowadays in the west it is en vogue to „experiment“ and „gain experience“ before „settling down“. In the course of emanzipation the pendulum swung from strict mental chastity of girls to almost „whoring around“ before looking for a long term partner.

    There is also social pressure from the feminist movement to not stay exclusive for your potential future partner.

    In my opinion the idea of wide spread chastity would cause turmoil in the current public discussion and would be seen as oppression and „going back to the middle ages“.

    Before chastity can be an accepted lifestyle, it has to be seen as popular to safe yourself for your future partner. It has to be popular to want a family and to give up independence for a stable family. Nowadays „independence“ is advertised as the most valuable thing - which in my opinion is dangerous; as many will learn when they grow older.

      I think that at some point it will evolve towards that, not immediately, but I think it will happen.
      I have never been a big fan of Social Networks, but recently I have opened Twitter, to be attentive, especially to links and news that teachers put.
      I have realized the vast number of women who are unhappy with the current situation. They have taken away our role and they have released us so that we can fight with masculine paradigms, and in that we will always be worse because we are not men. It is as if you give an archer a spear and send him to fight.
      When those more traditional values ​​are recovered, it is evident, for me, that modesty and fidelity will once again have their appreciation.

        cantsolvethecaptcha I agree with that. But I think that it is good and possitive. Not wrong.

        Especially not return to time before sex revolution. There were enaught oppression and chauvinism.

        cantsolvethecaptcha I think that nowadays in the west it is en vogue to „experiment“ and „gain experience“ before „settling down“. In the course of emanzipation the pendulum swung from strict mental chastity of girls to almost „whoring around“ before looking for a long term partner.

        Well I can think of a way to improve the situation, and some have put it into practice in the west. I compete in USA university sports and we regularly compete against two large universities, Brigham Young and Liberty, where students are required to refrain from pre-marital sex. Essentially what has happened is people who favor a chaste life have gotten together and said let's openly start institutions (educational in this case) where chastity is the norm. There are certainly also smaller "bible college" type schools but BYU and Liberty are huge. They might not be the norm but people have at least made and effort and there hasn't been any of the turmoil or claims of oppression you fear.

          I would say that for a chastity-friendly society, we would have to separate the chastity belt from any particular use it might have for someone. Right now, 99% of chastity belts are marketed primarily as BDSM toys, and while there are positive things that can be said about normalizing kinks as a form of sexual expression, the practicalities of wearing a belt, and thus places where society would need to become more chastity-friendly, would commonly pop up in places where sexual expression is not wanted, like public showers and locker rooms, or security checkpoints with metal detectors, to bring up two topics that were being discussed recently. Having the device be seen as a kinky toy is not going to do you any favors if you find yourself in those situations.

          On the other hand, we have the subject matter of this forum, premarital use of chastity devices. I do not think we should normalize the idea of parents locking their children into chastity either - Yes, for some people like Ines and her family, that ends up working fine; using modern methods to aid in a traditional upbringing that every party involved is happy with. On the other hand, we have the situation experienced by Lukas and his sister, where zealous parents force something onto their children that they would never voluntarily accept, while not being vital to their health and well-being either. And in some cases (e.g. Lukas's sister), it ends up creating dysfunctional people who never learned self-control because they were driven to grow up with a grab-whatever-you-can mentality. I fear that normalizing chastity would inspire more parents to act like theirs, and increase the soft pressure on kids whose parents already entertain the idea of locking them up against their will.

          So I would argue that normalizing chastity should put the spotlight on those devices having a variety of uses. From expressing your commitment to a signficant other to improving self-control in situations where urges are strong. What could help would be celebrity endorsements. From the male football player who wears a chastity device between practice/match sessions because he believes it keeps his testosterone levels high, to the female pop star who proudly displays it as a token of her committed relationship. Schools might mention it in sex ed as a method to make abstinence as a birth control method more effective, and party-goers might recommend it to each other as a way to ensure that their drunk selves do not get up to stuff that their sober selves would not want.

          But the message should always be about what the wearer wants to get out of it. Promote starting off by holding your own key and, if your willpower leaves you unsatisfied, hand it over to a trusted friend. Authority figures can be asked to hold keys of course, but it should not be the primary choice. There is a lot of potential for abuse, like a sex ed class in an area where abstinence-only is taught expecting the students to get locked up, and shunning those who refuses to lock up and turn over the key. Awareness and enforcement of consent rules matters, and I think that would be the greatest challenge to make a chaste world a good world.

            Avery Did you have any indication that they were using any sort of equipment to maintain their sex free status. I knew a few single BYU graduates (male) and am confident they did not use devices and infact doubt that they were remaining sex free.

            It seems to me that chastity belts for University Students would be ideal considering the number of sexual assualts and unintended sexual encounters that seem to occur in colleges. I know that the contention is that the assualter is the problem but still it is the young woman who suffers from the assualt or regrets their decision made with too much alcohol. .

              bdsamm Did you have any indication that they were using any sort of equipment to maintain their sex free status. I knew a few single BYU graduates (male) and am confident they did not use devices and in fact doubt that they were remaining sex free.

              I have no information at all on that. For that matter I'm not sure on the attitude toward solo-sex. I do know they marry early. Half the girls I run against (ages 19-22 usually) wear wedding rings. No one on my team is married. It would not surprise me if the men beat off if the girls will not accommodate them, which I believe they do not, generally. Too much family and group pressure if a girl ended up pregnant.

              bdsamm It seems to me that chastity belts for University Students would be ideal considering the number of sexual assualts and unintended sexual encounters that seem to occur in colleges. I know that the contention is that the assualter is the problem but still it is the young woman who suffers from the assualt or regrets their decision made with too much alcohol. .

              That is why I started wearing one. Was assaulted twice in daylight hours and I don't drink but it is a big city environment which is generally more dangerous where I live.

                Kaja Avery Thats wrong. It is not improve.

                Why then are there 110,000 students at Liberty and 33,000 at BYU. Some people want that lifestyle. At least these people are trying.


                the question is harder than i thought at first. of course a chastity friendly society would be a big plus for most of us here on the forum, the advantages would be that we don't have to hide anymore, that we can talk openly with others about our belts and emotions and that we don't have to be afraid much anymore.

                on the other hand, it would open the door for many parents to force their children to wear belts and for conservative politicians to create certain chastity laws.

                  Avery A very wise decision on your part. Take it upon yourself to insure your personal security. The University where I live has a major problem with security. They have done a lot to combat it but it is a very difficult problem to fix. They want all the women to travel in pairs but that is not easy or convenient.

                  • Joh replied to this.

                    cantsolvethecaptcha I think that nowadays in the west it is en vogue to „experiment“ and „gain experience“ before „settling down“. In the course of emanzipation the pendulum swung from strict mental chastity of girls to almost „whoring around“ before looking for a long term partner.

                    Sorry, I can't agree with your view. What we see is the freedom everyone has to decide for themselves how they want to go. If you not like this way with get your experience before marriage than don't do it.
                    This freedom also means that you have the freedom to remain chaste until you find the right partner. What is necessary for this? Tolerance towards the other lifestyle.

                    Ines I have realized the vast number of women who are unhappy with the current situation. They have taken away our role and they have released us so that we can fight with masculine paradigms, and in that we will always be worse because we are not men. It is as if you give an archer a spear and send him to fight.

                    I agree with you. Women should be just as good as men in a male-dominated system. That cannot work. But you have the possibility to change the system so that it fits better.

                      youdontknowme On the other hand, we have the situation experienced by Lukas and his sister, where zealous parents force something onto their children that they would never voluntarily accept, while not being vital to their health and well-being either. And in some cases (e.g. Lukas's sister), it ends up creating dysfunctional people who never learned self-control because they were driven to grow up with a grab-whatever-you-can mentality. I fear that normalizing chastity would inspire more parents to act like theirs, and increase the soft pressure on kids whose parents already entertain the idea of locking them up against their will.

                      I see it as you. This is a risk and should care about but if the society would be open for wearing a chastity belt it would also a lower step for children to get help if the are forced to wear one. It would a topic all would talk openly about what would be ok and what not.
                      Here in Germany, for example, most children and young people know what the legal situation is regarding sex. It would then be the same.

                      I think if wearing a chastity belt became more commonplace, the fetish for it would diminish. Here we try to distance ourselves from it because it has a different background but I think the difference is not really that big. It's just different and doesn't correspond to the ideas of most people here.
                      In the past, criminals, sailors or fringe groups had tattoos. Today it's almost unusual not to have one.

                        bdsamm They want all the women to travel in pairs but that is not easy or convenient.

                        Sorry, that is working on the impact instead of the causes. It may a solution for the moment but your society as a fundamental problem with what is right and wrong from my point of view.

                          Joh I see it as you. This is a risk and should care about but if the society would be open for wearing a chastity belt it would also a lower step for children to get help if the are forced to wear one. It would a topic all would talk openly about what would be ok and what not.
                          Here in Germany, for example, most children and young people know what the legal situation is regarding sex. It would then be the same.

                          That is why I said awareness and enforcement matter. Still, I believe there would still be many dependents who are put into chastity against their will, but who do not reach out to authorities because they still love their parents or live an otherwise comfortable life.

                          Joh The "problem" is of course the perputator and much is and has been done but personally, I always lock my house when I leave (even though I should not have to). By the same token it would be reasonable for a lady to lock up her genital area just in case.

                          • Joh replied to this.

                            I also lock my front door every time I leave. Everyone does that here, with a few exceptions. We also have some cases of rape here, some with murder. However, there are so few cases that there is no broad majority for a chastity belt as protection. The question is also what is the relationship between the number of cases in daily life and the restrictions.

                            Of course, it is up to each individual to decide which measures to take. Self-defence is certainly also an option, as is travelling in groups. I think a greater presence of police or guards is what can help too.