Actress Lindsey Lohan was twice sentenced by a judge to wear the SCRAM ankle bracelet, based on her DUI convictions and missed court dates.
At the present time, the SCRAM bracelet seems to be available only to law enforcement; it’s not sold as a consumer product. Of course, there was a time not so many years ago when conventional (GPS or non-GPS) electronic ankle bracelets were not available to the general public either, but now they are.
One could easily imagine that in another year or two, some entrepreneur will come out with an alcohol-monitoring bracelet that parents can lock on their teens.
The fact that it might also be able to detect “illicit” sexual arousal is a worthwhile side benefit.
In this fictional story, they refer to the idea of students at a boarding school being monitored by Fitbit-type electronic bracelets 24/7, an idea I had never actually thought if:
<< … and digital monitoring of the students by Smartwatch in their free time. The device not only reported the location, but also whether the students were learning, doing sports and sleeping well. >>
I find it utterly remarkable that they were able to make the OURA ring look like fine jewelry.
I also thought it would be cool if the OURA ring had a “tattler” feature, which could be activated in its associated smartphone app, which would notify your significant other if you take your ring off your finger. Sort of like a modern, high-tech version of the puzzle ring (and yes, they do still make puzzle rings.) How cool would that be?
To be clear, the OURA has no alcohol monitoring capability, at least none that I’m aware of.
The Fitbit products have no alcohol-monitoring capability that I’m aware of.