carg I agree with @Amira that your mother's action was not OK, and that to me it sounds like she is trying to get more control again.
This doesn't feel like what's happening, like control is the wrong word I think. I mean yeah she wants sex and playing with myself completely banned - but I agree and I agree for myself not to please her.
I mean yeah the car thing - I just don't want to worry - like worrying about that is anxiety type thinking.
carg so my advice would be not to get too attached to the car: there might come a time where she wants something you really don't want, and you need to feel free to say no then.
Yes, yes. Yeah feeling trapped is a downward spiral for my thoughts. It being something they can take away is easier actually.
curious There is a difference between being open about wearing a belt and being open about the reason and details involved.
I think a statement that everyone - even authorities should accept can be: "This belt is so I stay a virgin until my wedding night. And that is what I want."
"I think it's fun" is easier. But agree - no-one IRL knows the full reasons.