Taz IMO (1) is an especially neat idea though I don't quite see how it would work in practice. If Keyholder A had both Key 1 and the change key what's to stop him/her using the change key so the lock would accept Key 1? Or have I missed something?
Surely Keyholder A should only have the change key and the Key 1 to open should only be held by Keyholder B?

Ines I miss it too, however in a forum like this is a defense measure against pervs.😔

OK, I understand, we have sometimes undesirable people in my forum but not that type of .....

You are talking about opening the lock without having keys. Ok. Let't image you can do it and that now the lock is open.
Question: is closing the lock again as simple as opening it? If you open but you can' t close, parents will know you did it! What about closing ( expecially the tubular locks and locks that need a key to be closed)?


i think that would be the moment when i would seriously try lockpicking or use the same brute force.

going to the firefighters would make me extremely uncomfortable 😂


    Let's hope you're right and it was never truly used permanently,as it would be very dangerous for health...


    Of course!😉

    Taz probably some of you hate me


    I'm not sure there is many wearers of Tollyboy chastity belts,here.


    I agree.

      Laura Your Mom did things properly. How long did you stay virgin or are you still?

        Maximus maybe a for someones, an opportunity to break the ice and flirt with a firefighter 😂

        get rid of the belt and take the fireman with you 🤣

          Vanessa Possible,especially as their chastity belts seem to have been appreciated.

          That ls up tp Taz!

          11 days later

          Taz https://www.ebay.com/itm/181982437897 That is a generic change key tubular lock. As you see from the image the front face is numbered 0 - 7 there are 8 keys which will also be numbered and the red top key which is the change key.

          That is a fantastic link. Are you going to incorporate this as an optional extra when you resume production?

          a month later

          Attention Tollyboy wearers!
          Your lock has been semi-confirmed to be pickable. Since others told me there is a risk of false pins though, so I can not confirm it'll work on tollyboy lock as their website is confusing and I can't buy their locks (horrible site navigation).

          Here's a teaser video (more info/explanation coming later this week):

            Raziel Most tubular locks out there are weak enough that with the right tools, they basically pick themselves. I think the point made by Taz is mostly that while most are like that, not all of them are. Many quite similar looking locks have very different degrees of security.

            Now, those insertable locks that seem to be popular with cages for boys these days... I have the brand-name one, and it still opens with a random piece of metal and some careful jiggling.

            6 days later

            Raziel A colleague of mine had opened such a lock with a piece of cardboard of the right thickness. The cardboard bent round pressed into the lock and tried to turn it until it opened.

            Again, tubular locks come in different strengths, much like traditional pin-tumbler locks. The latter are probably safer, but one advantage of tubular locks that makes them so suitable for chastity belts is that they can pack a lot into a very flat package.

            Another advantage specifically for female belts might be that there is a company called Beaver Machine Corporation that manufactures such locks for use with their vending machines, and it might have humorous value to have a "beaver lock". Sadly, those locks are as self-picking as most common tubular locks, as the lockpicking lawyer amusingly demonstrates in this little video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRozAbaKs9M

            3 months later

            Taz I should have introduced myself earlier sorry about that I got distracted. Probably none of you know me, almost all of you know of me, probably some of you hate me. I am Tollyboy. I have been building these for half a life time.

            I casually browsed through the forum only to find a legend! Would you be up for an AMA (ask me anything)? I for once have plenty of questions.

            10 months later

            Abby82 You can use the time at the hotel for lock picking. First with other locks and after you got some feeling your own Lock.