Ines T

Over the years Tollyboy have made a great many specials as well as the standard locks. They have mostly used 7 pin radial locks, there are an unknown number of 8 pin radial locks out there probably about 2 dozen, there are probably a few dozen change key variants they are higher than a standard lock. There are also a few custom made 13 pin radials, these have a double row of pins with cuts on the inside and out side of the key.

There are modified version of all the above locks, the modifications ranging from changing the pinning to modifying the lock to use trap pins. Modified locks look exactly the same as unmodified locks. I don't know how many trap pin locks there are but I believe more than 50.

There are 2 or 3 Van locks (these take an extremely odd key with pins in it pressing into holes in the lock), there are about half a dozen Medico these are almost twice the height of a standard lock and take different keys. There are the old padlocks of the original Hal Higginbottom design of which I know little and there is one Galaxy Lock from the Australian Lock Co. This is a serious horror show if you want to pick it, probably the most secure mechanical lock of all time. There is also one flat radial where the pins push outward at 90Β° to the direction of the key this is only about 6mm high.

There are also the permanent "locks" which only contain a one way roller clutch so they can only be screwed on there are about 20 of them sold.

I should have introduced myself earlier sorry about that I got distracted. Probably none of you know me, almost all of you know of me, probably some of you hate me. I am Tollyboy. I have been building these for half a life time.

    A pleasure. I await for give you the welcome of a legend in introduction topic.

    Taz There are also the permanent "locks" which only contain a one way roller clutch so they can only be screwed on there are about 20 of them sold.

    Frankly, I can not see the point of a permanent lock. πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ It seems to me even dangerous.

      Taz There are probably a few other extremely rare locks that I have forgotten about, that were only ever experimental and never got into a production belt or that were supplied by a customer and the design modified to make them fit.

      Taz Do you know if anyone ever got stuck? Any horror stories you'd like to share with us? πŸ˜€


      As I said further up the thread they were only ever made as a joke and people bought them. I assume it is for mind games to know there is a lock that can't be taken off that could be used not to actually use it. I assume this is the BDSM fetish world not the serious world of this forum. I know there are a lot of people who have a fantasy of having a belt welded on permanently. I know some people who have done it. I don't understand it but then there is nowt so strange as folk. I feel that no one makes a belt that could be worn permanently as they all need cleaning, edging replacing rear cable sheathing replacing etc. It is a very expensive way to keep a belt locked because ultimately it will have to be cut off after a year or so at the outside.


        Yes, I automatically think in fetishist, but you push here the key:

        Taz It is a very expensive way to keep a belt locked because ultimately it will have to be cut off after a year or so at the outside.

        Very, very expensive, as you say even "only" a yearwithout release, wow! It is an eternity. Not only cleanness (I am bit obsessed with it) but even small issues (accident in toilet... small redness in skin...).

        So, fetishist must to have a lot of money! πŸ˜…

        Taz There are modified version of all the above locks, the modifications ranging from changing the pinning to modifying the lock to use trap pins. Modified locks look exactly the same as unmodified locks. I don't know how many trap pin locks there are but I believe more than 50.

        but I suppose them made on request, right?

        is not fair trying to scare your wearers 😝 I bet keyholder will warn if applies πŸ™‚ and as discussed, more fancy to BDSM oriented people

        Taz I should have introduced myself earlier sorry about that I got distracted. Probably none of you know me, almost all of you know of me, probably some of you hate me. I am Tollyboy. I have been building these for half a life time.

        I recently visited your web when discussing with Laura about some details, and noticed was missing information, at least pics of Drop-Down Waistband versions, is this the one that time ago puppet wore? like other manufacturers call "ergonomic"? is noticeably more beautiful than standard models!

        I usually visit pages in their original language because translations aren't quite good.. I see you were requesting voluntary translators, I don't know how it's organized your page, but translation should be useful not just translate each page, something more like having specific strings or paragraphs to translate and note when it has been changed for reviewing.

        Simple as keep track of your texts in an excel file, with original text in one column, and in the next one the translation in another language, and the next other language... still easy to reuse the texts..

        For example a string could be "Chastity Belt" = ES language is not "Correa de castidad" as you have, if you replace that by "CinturΓ³n de Castidad" in all pages, for sure you will get more hits from searchers in spanish language πŸ™‚ (I'm from Spain)

        MOD EDIT: I know you want the best for the forum, but we should let these things to @Laura and @Megan. However it can be a good idea.

        Mod could just changed one thing to not make repeat that and the extra suggestion for managing the strings which disappeared as you edited just my previous version; or tell by PM if were enabled πŸ˜„

        I wrote that as a group because I am not egocentric at all, so now I'll fix that, and now clearly what I wish, here goes:

        OK, for my own comfort knowing I'm talking with a Legend, and I'm not referring to Elvis, Taz, could you leave me and other fans a dedication in your web? just placing a formy2021cbfans.txt somewhere in your web site which we can easily read just giving us the URL

        • Ines replied to this.

          edited for that omnipresent moderator, and sometimes exists mods which still doubts if are useful..... πŸ˜„

          Maximus or tell by PM if were enabled πŸ˜„

          I miss it too, however in a forum like this is a defense measure against pervs.πŸ˜”

            Taz I dud not know about the change locks and the trap locks till I just now found and joined this site. Thus adds a whole dimension, As a key holder I'd want maximum security on principle and I'd probably tell my wearer I'd fitted a trap lock just as a deterrent. I also like the possibility of having a change lock so that two people would both be needed for an unlock.

            Taz IMO (1) is an especially neat idea though I don't quite see how it would work in practice. If Keyholder A had both Key 1 and the change key what's to stop him/her using the change key so the lock would accept Key 1? Or have I missed something?
            Surely Keyholder A should only have the change key and the Key 1 to open should only be held by Keyholder B?

            Ines I miss it too, however in a forum like this is a defense measure against pervs.πŸ˜”

            OK, I understand, we have sometimes undesirable people in my forum but not that type of .....

            You are talking about opening the lock without having keys. Ok. Let't image you can do it and that now the lock is open.
            Question: is closing the lock again as simple as opening it? If you open but you can' t close, parents will know you did it! What about closing ( expecially the tubular locks and locks that need a key to be closed)?


            i think that would be the moment when i would seriously try lockpicking or use the same brute force.

            going to the firefighters would make me extremely uncomfortable πŸ˜‚


              Let's hope you're right and it was never truly used permanently,as it would be very dangerous for health...


              Of course!πŸ˜‰

              Taz probably some of you hate me


              I'm not sure there is many wearers of Tollyboy chastity belts,here.


              I agree.