a_father I agree with you, but I will make one more hypothesis. Sadomasochistic behavior sometimes also occurs in children (I know what I'm talking about, because I've had this type of tendencies myself since about the age of 6, and chastity belts have turned me on since I was 13). It seems to me that a large part of the girls on the forum are simply in a sadomasochistic relationship, only not with a sexual partner, but with their parents. This relationship generally suits them and gives them satisfaction, even when it is sometimes difficult for them in practice. The average teenage girl of today, if her parents offered her to wear a chastity belt, would probably react something like this: "Are you completely fucked up!?". Acceptance by a minor of wearing a chastity belt is for me either a manifestation of specific inclinations or evidence of the use of violence (especially psychological) that the person wearing the belt experiences.
Why do you think masturbation is wrong?
Andrew Reflections on the need for women to conduct themselves better than men are perceived by the majority of society as outdated and usually ridiculed
I find this unfortunate. I get my ass patted by some of my classmates and teammates, not just strangers on the subway. I cannot imagine a society where women behaved as badly, or anywhere near it.
Joh This fits for you but I can't confirm it. And I believe you will find many men who have a happy life with masturbation.
And so do many women, me at least when I was doing it. The comparison to alcohol is interesting. True, many people who try it end up in trouble, but many more, I think, don't.
Andrew The average teenage girl of today, if her parents offered her to wear a chastity belt, would probably react something like this: "Are you completely fucked up!?".
I believe you are correct.
Andrew Acceptance by a minor of wearing a chastity belt is for me either a manifestation of specific inclinations or evidence of the use of violence (especially psychological) that the person wearing the belt experiences.
I rather think that regardless of any inclinations, most minors have no choice, from a practical standpoint.
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Andrew I think almost none of the young wearers had ever heard something about chastity belts by their own. They know about them, because parents introduced them into the family. And no teenager would ever tell parents, he / she wants to be locked in a chastity belt. Parents want to control their children in this way.
It becomes very bad, when you can read here, the current weares would suggest their future daughters to wear a chastity belt. Here you can see that abused GIRLS EDITED may become abusive themselves when they are adults.
And none of the keyholders can bring up justifications that stands up to scrutiny. It's a family tradition (no it's not), girls don't do this (why not?), it's a bad habbit (why?).
There are no really reliable justifications. The best justification would probably be: Because I want it that way.
a_father There are no really reliable justifications.
There are cultures where virginity is highly prized and young women would suffer grave social consequences if they had sex out of marriage and were found out. Parents in such a society perhaps are justified in taking steps to prevent their daughters from falling into this trap. For them it would be an act of legitimate concern for their daughters' welfare.
Long term, change the culture. But short term ...
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a_father And no teenager would ever tell parents, he / she wants to be locked in a chastity belt.
I can imagine such a situation if chastity belts were previously worn in the family and the GIRL became fascinated by them. EDITED
a_father It becomes very bad, when you can read here, the current weares would suggest their future daughters to wear a chastity belt.
I fully agree. In my opinion, this circumstance also confirms that wearing a belt gives such a person satisfaction - she likes being controlled and wants to control her child in this way in the future (this is the psychological projection of her preferences onto her girls). EDITED
Andrew The average teenage girl of today, if her parents offered her to wear a chastity belt, would probably react something like this: "Are you completely fucked up!?".
Yeah but it's not like that - first there's the talking the shame and guilt the what you did was wrong - and then promises. But yeah actually when they finally had the belt it was easier to say no - it seemed insane. Like it's still insane but actually not impossible I know now. And this is another thing making me think Mum must have worn one before like how can you but think it's insane unless you've done it yourself.
a_father And no teenager would ever tell parents, he / she wants to be locked in a chastity belt.
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Jen Mum must have worn one
I dunno about this. I think parents simply start from their aim and work backwards. If the aim is prevent-masturbation then a google image search will put chastity belts into their mind right away. Ofc the trouble is that this aim itself is 100% wrong without full adult consent.
Avery I find this unfortunate. I get my ass patted by some of my classmates and teammates, not just strangers on the subway. I cannot imagine a society where women behaved as badly, or anywhere near it.
Completely agree, we girls who have been well educated constantly see how they try to diminish our principles and they want us to behave like scoundrels and shameless.
Andrew The average teenage girl of today, if her parents offered her to wear a chastity belt, would probably react something like this: "Are you completely fucked up!?".
It depends on what that girl has seen in her family. I asked for my seatbelt, although the regime is a little stricter than what I expected.