curious I could go on and on like this.
Yes, of course, as a big I institution had mistakes, and I said it in my first post, but, it seems that you are more nterested in read your own posts and little in read the posts of the others.
And you can ask to those guessed millions of cristianized by sword, what was the option in a lot of places before the Catholic Church: Human sacrifices, slavery...
Ask the millions of children rescued of mines.
Ask the millions of women that have micro loans of Church to start their business.
Ask the millions of people cared in Christian hospitals in areas where nobody has a single doctor.
Ask the girls rescued of prostitution in bad areas of South America...
Anyway, You will continue to be convinced of the evil of the Church as I am convinced of its greatness.
curious There are actually very few organisations (if any at all) in the world that have more blood on their hands than the catholic church.
I think every empire has much more blood and none so many people helped.