Every 1-2 weeks it comes off for cleaning.
Longest I’ve gone between orgasms is 30 days.
We were using a point system where every ten points I lost the right to orgasm next time she desired to be sexual. I think I had like 60 points then.
I’ve recently have really been a pest sexually to the point where she wasn’t very attracted to me sexually. So I offered to prove that she’s not just a sex object to me by staying in the cage with no orgasms/ sex for 2 months. Thought for sure she’d say nah that’s not right. She told me 3 times you just remember this day that it was your idea.
Damn me and my big mouth.
Male chastity - the longest period without relief
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Cb85 Thought for sure she’d say nah that’s not right. She told me 3 times you just remember this day that it was your idea.
Damn me and my big mouth.
That's why I express moderate enthusiasm when my wife teases me and says she will lock me in a cage for more than a month...
I also don't have a pierced penis, so I can easily cheat and take it out of the cage, although I don't like doing it.
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Angelina I will stick it out. She’s been very generous with me sexually in the last few months. I really do love her and desire for her to know that, so I’m ok with giving her a break so we can focus on non sexual closeness.
However I’m finding out just how selfish I am. It’s very difficult not to be manipulative or ask to cheat my offer. I have a very high sex drive for my age.
Still I promised to love her for better or worse and I’d give up having orgasms entirely if that’s what it took to convince her of my love!!
I am normally locked up for a week and then removed for good cleaning. I do not necessarily get relief then. Iquently.t depends on the availability of my cunninglis providerl That is about the only way I get really good orgasms. My main reason for being locked is to get better orgasms. I do not have a regular keyholder but a few friends that will help out when needed. Without a device locked on, I tend to masturbate, (unsucessfully) frequently so it really hels me.
Andrew I also don't have a pierced penis, so I can easily cheat and take it out of the cage, although I don't like doing it.
Pulling out for orgasms kinda feels like it would ruin the point of a chastity device in the first place, and doing it while pretending in front of your partner that you have been chaste feels rather cheaty to me. But personally, I find pullout to be a nice method of cleaning up - the device still has you quite literally by the balls, which is a good reminder to not soap up too vigorously, if you catch my drift.
youdontknowme But personally, I find pullout to be a nice method of cleaning up - the device still has you quite literally by the balls, which is a good reminder to not soap up too vigorously, if you catch my drift.
I do exactly the same. I got the joke
My wife is calling it a sexual reset and she’s very on board and supportive.
I’m a very blessed guy.
Angelina I’m on week four as of tomorrow and I’m about 1/2 way through.
I have noticed I’m not focusing of getting sex from her at all. Which I did focus on frequently before.
I think in marriages where one person has a high sex drive and the other not it can almost become a barter system of if I do this then maybe he/she will have sex.
It’s not a healthy position and probably just serves to turn the other person (with the lower sex drive) off.
This has ended the barter system and “reset” things.
I read something like 3% of the population has a super high sex drive. That’s probably me.
So i don’t know if it’s so much a need as just unusual amount of desire