A chastity belt for good? Yes, it is bad.
I can appreciate that. You’ve accepted your belting for now but it seems that permanent wearing would be a deal-breaker for you.
I forget - what is your mother’s motivation for belting you? Is it strictly about preventing sex it is it opposition to masturbation as well? Is she religious?
And wants me to stay belted because of this?
Yes. Through my therapy, I’ve come to realize my late mother was a control freak who took it personally when anyone has a moral code different than hers. If she had the opportunity to enforce chastity, I do believe she would have held that single and divorced women should be kept belted by parents or authority figures until they can be married off. (“Married off” is definitely a term she used!) She would consider a belt to be a necessity for unmarried women and an inherent punishment for divorcees.
Correct. She’s really big on male authority, like many women of her generation, and honestly feels the husband should be in charge. She’s recently admitted that although she accepts me as a daughter as a trans woman, she still thinks the fact I “used to be male” makes me an ideal authority figure for Goody’s natural rebelliousness.