Hi all,

as you know, I do not have to wear thigh bands that often, and normally more or less just for the night.
Today, it is again the case. Unfortunately, my mom is meeting with neighbors tonight, so she locked my thighs at 6:30 pm already, which resulted in an unexpected restrictive evening for me 🙁
From time to time, that happens when she is absent, rarely also in the morning at weekends.

All that inconveniences of the last hours (stairs, hits against thighs, toilet use,…) just let me think about to exchange our tricks to deal with our stupid thigh bands.

It begins with toilet use. Normally, before peeing, I am used to pull on my skin from both sides of the shield, just to open my outer labia a bit below the shield, which makes urine flow much easier. Afterwards, I usually rinse with a spray bottle and dry with toilet paper. With thigh bands, spreading labia from outside is totally impossible for me (so messy or not is a lottery) and rinsing is limited. Access is so bad due to the limited room between my legs and the connection chain, that I only can spray through the holes and pat it a little dry in the center.
Normally, I try to avoid toilet use with thigh bands, but it is not always possible.
What are your experiences. Do you have other tricks to deal with it?

Second challenge for me is uncomfortable positions and sometimes even muscle tensions due to limited movements. I really sometimes wish to be able to just spread my legs to stretch a little or to get out of an uncomfortable sitting position, but it is just not possible. And I guess for all the other wearers here it must be horrible sometimes.
How do you deal with it? Do you have tips for stretch movements?

What I sometimes do, is to move my knees up to my breast, which gives clearance on the vertical chains. In this position, I can move the bands towards my knees a little, which relieves the pressed spots under the bands. Don't know, if that helps you. I sometimes do that.

Any other ideas or opinions?

    For toilet use,I tend to stay longer to let most of it "drop" in the toilet,put some dry paper as well as I can,and I tend to take a quick shower to rinse it a bit better.Not easy with thigh bands too,but it seems it works not too bad.It took more time for me to go to the toilet(longer time in toilet+a shower),but it helps a bit.

    For movements,I try to change a bit the positions I can take often,but it is stilll very limited,and not having the ability to spread or move my legs a bit more freely to be in a better position is still hard.The position you use is helpful,but it is not very convenient when we want to do something else than only relax a bit.

    I'm not very used to it,as it was used only as a punishment before, but as it can be a part of my chastity devices now,depending of what I plan during the day,some advices may be helpful for me too.

    I do toilet very slowly, that means I don't let it flow freely once it started but always do it "drop by drop". The chain between the bands is wrapped in plastic, so it's easy to clean it. For anything else I use the spray bottle.

    When I'm at home and I have the time (which is most not the case), I try to give this area a short shower, too but it is working even without the shower without bad smelling, I just have to be very exactly with the spray bottle.

    Stretching is somewhat difficult, I use to stand next to a wall on my toes for a while to change the change the pressure points for a moment, but it only helps a very little bit.

    About use of toilet, I at beginning tried to "pull" labia but it is nearly not possible rightly with bands high in the thighs. For me most effective is "to hold" and not release the bladder suddenly.
    In general to wear bands high over our thighs is much better, but if chain is long, it can hung and, or you have to spread your legs or you have to hold chain. In this sense 6 cm are perfect.
    For cleaning, best is to have a syringe, it takes a little more of time, but even this way, I have friends that delay more than me.
    A very harder for me is the another use... and I try to avoid. I am a little obsessed with cleaning and it stress me, even if it sounds strange. As you know I probably ask for a rear cable belt for June when I go to university and it is because then I will can wear more the belt, and maybe I will can not avoid the "big" use of the toilet wearing my belt.

    About stretching:
    Catherine, due you have to wear it very continuously, there are some exercises that can help you, I think they will help you, specially if you can do them better than me because your hip belt:

    Kneel and with your back straight incline towards rear, maintain your back straight and incline until you can support with your arms.

    If your bands are high, standing over a foot, hold the another foot in your back. Important keep your knees together.

    Lay in the ground. Just push farther possible your feet and your arms.

    If the chain from your belt to the band is long enough, kneel and bend your torso to the sides. You will feel relief in your hips.

    Anyway, Catherine, even for circulation, it is much better ask for release and run a bit. If it is possible, of course.

    There are another stretching but, try these first. Please actualize me about if these help you.


      i'm sorry that you still suffer so much under the tapes, i agree it's bad and definitely the most restrictive thing about my chastity gear for me too.

      as for the toilet, i always try it this way. i let it drip very slowly as the others have already described, if i'm lucky i don't hit the tighbands and don't have to clean them extra. i have a spray bottle and wet cloths with which i can clean myself very well, of course i always feel a little dirty but i do my best

      as far as stretching or avoiding unpleasant positions is concerned, i can't give you any advice. i try to change my sitting or lying position as much as possible, but it doesn't really help 🙁

      last but not least, i also have a house with stairs and if i have to walk stairs in school or in public, i always hold on to the railing so that no accidents happen to me.

      all the best, I hope you'll be able to handle it better in the future but I envy you too that you don't have to wear it all the time 🙁

      Couldn't you girls use something like Ladypee or something?
      So going number 1 ain't that big of a pain?

        Angelina (If something is a pain, it doesn't mean it is painful. It means it is annoying :3)
        I mean yeah. I wouldn't want that either ^^

          Ines I mean you could lockpick the Thighbands <3
          Angelina I mean waht do you think is better? A plastic tube or cleaning up the pee, I mean it both has obvious advantages xD

            Now I am calmer! If you do not mention pick locking, I had suspicious about someone was hacking your account! 😆

            24 days later

            Ines Kneel and with your back straight incline towards rear, maintain your back straight and incline until you can support with your arms.

            If your bands are high, standing over a foot, hold the another foot in your back. Important keep your knees together.

            Lay in the ground. Just push farther possible your feet and your arms.

            If the chain from your belt to the band is long enough, kneel and bend your torso to the sides. You will feel relief in your hips.


            your advices are already some time ago, but it came back in my mind and I just tried what you described. I see, that it stretches in the hip area and it may help occasionally. But it is rather something against tensions.
            In my case i guess it is sitting comfort rather than tensions. It is the limited number of possible sitting positions. It bothers me when sitting. Crossing legs is anyway impossible. At home, I just love to sit with spread legs, sometimes combined with one foot or both feet on the chair. Just relaxed sitting. But that is impossible.

            Today, it was again one of the days where i was locked into thigh bands earlier in the evening, which forced me to use the stairs several times shackled (normally, i can avoid it). Chain length is exactly measured to a step on the stairs, but actually it is barely not enough to walk the stairs normally. Bothering! And I have to be careful on the stairs.
            Possibly, I should start another discussion about chain length with my mom. Especially for the waist style cb thigh bands.


              you should definitely get a bit more chain length, ask your mother if you can get 1-2 centimeters more, that doesn't sound like much, but it would help you a lot 🙂

              do you wear the tighbands again every night lately or still 3-4 times a week ?

              are there differences whether you wear the hipstyle or the waiststyle belt ?

                Uhmmm. I understand you perfectly 😕.
                Normally belt has influence in our way to sit, specially, as you know, my sister and me have some pinches sometimes, but thigh bands make the choices much more limited.
                If you wear your bands relatively high, I, sometimes put high a leg and the other in the ground, yes sometimes in my home, 3 girls needs 6 chairs!

                Try to explain your mom about it, I do not remember the length of the chain of your bands, but, but I do not believe that the use of less of 5 cm could be advisable. And further, almost any length of chain accomplish the mission of maintain us safe in our belts.

                catherine98 Especially for the waist style cb thigh bands.

                Catherine, as you know, I am taking information.. there are differences between the bands in a type of belt and the other, or it is just, that in your case bands and chains have different length in both belts?

                Angelina 1-2 centimeters more, that doesn't sound like much, but it would help you a lot 🙂

                It is a... fu.... dammit 😅 world of difference!