Ok i just discovered this forum and hope that’s the right place to ask or like talk abt my problem.

This summer tho has been rather eventful and i got into a lot of fights with my parents about all sorts of things (like my curfew which is ridiculous). So anyways they talked to me about hiw my hormones make me act crazy any stuff and i admitted to masturbating like 3-4 times a day (not every day tho) and they asked me if i was willing to try to stop it and that they would help me and it would come with benefits like extending my curfew for example. I said yes and the next day my dad made a contract between us which i signed cuz i think that maybe masturbating actually did get out of hand in a way. Then last Wednesday my mom called me and showed me a chastity cage and said to put jt on and explained how to do it which was akward as hell conversation. I went to the bathroom and put it on. It was actually really easy but i had to fiddle a bit to get my thingy completely to the end of the plastic sleeve.

They thrn wanted to see it but luckily didn’t touch it but they gave me a plastic lock with a serial number on it and watched me put it in the locking hole. My mom gave me small ass nail clippers and said to cut it in an emergency but only in an emergency and threatened me with “severe” consequences if i fail to come to them immediately after i remove it for whatever reason. I can’t just cut it and put a new lock on cuz they are numbered and they check me every monrning since then.


The next few days i got used to it more and more and today was the first day they allowed me to remove it completely for a thorough washing (I’ve ofc been showering every day and washed it through the cage with soapy water and rinsed and all).

The problem is that i don’t mind the cage if my parents want me to wear it it’s ok but having my mom or dad watch me during the shower when the cage if off feels really humiliating and i hate that, especially since I got an insta boner as soon as I took it off. What can i do to convince them to leave me alone in the bathroom??

    Ines uhm idk I don’t want my parents to get into trouble and i kinda agreed to it too plus i don’t wanna end up in a foster home or something. I love my parents but this situation is just really awkward ig

    Ines Before dialing social services, it might be helpful to clearly communicate non-consent and give the parents a chance to fix this.

    First of all, it is extremely irresponsible to go from never having worn a cage to 24/7 lockup without practicing.

    Second, you have a right to privacy and your parents have no right to force you to give that up

    Third, a contract with a minor regarding their sexuality is immoral, and if they refuse to let you return to your previous terms (stricter rules but no cage), that would indeed be abuse.

      Tabletop I admit I don't believe much of what you're saying. However, if that were true, your parents would be complete idiots to think that by putting a cage on you, they would control all of your behavior. On the contrary. They will only cause more frustration and more aggression. If you don't want to wear the cage, just take it off and tell your parents that you won't be fulfilling the pact because you made it under actual coercion on their part. Masturbation is your business and nothing to them. What country are you from?

        I would say talk first, then take action. Tell them that their measures go beyond what you agreed to, and that you will not continue the agreement under this conditions. Then their choice is to either change their approach to one you could accept, or the agreement is cancelled and you cut the lock off. If they threaten retribution, tell them you would prefer to resolve that without getting the authorities involved.

        Note that I do not know your local laws, social services or relationship with your parents, so keep that in mind when considering my advice.

        Andrew I admit I don't believe much of what you're saying.

        youdontknowme Before dialing social services

        Basically I think the same than Andrew, for that my maximalist answer.

        Laura I don't think native language necessarily holds much weight, they could have moved to the US

          CutiedeTahlia I don't think native language necessarily holds much weight

          I see something else as you might have guessed

          CutiedeTahlia they could have moved to the US

          Indeed. That's why I'm asking. For example, my first language is French

          Tabletop I can’t just take it off they would go bonks about it 🙁

          Life is the art of making decisions. Many of them are not easy. You wanted advice, so we gave you advice. I suspect that no one here will come up with anything wiser than what has been written (although I may be wrong).

          We gave you your options. Either you endure it, or you discuss it and negotiate, or you just blatantly defy your parents and deal with their respone. We informed you of your rights and recourses, which you might want to use in whatever confrontation awaits you. That is all we can offer.


          ok, maybe the editing is missing a part, but i can't see what exactly you agreed to? what measures to improve your behavior were decided? Did you really agree to wear a chastity cage?

          I mean, having a private shower unlock once a week, or even once a day, would not be enough to let... ahem... certain habits get excessive, and it definitely would not result in you doing anything risky with girls. Should be an easy enough case to argue if your parents are not hardliners on that topic.

          9 days later

          Tabletop If that is a compromise you can live with, then that is some excellent progress. But it might help if your behavior stays consistently good. If they have no reason to be unhappy with you, you might be able to persuade them to give you an opportunity to demonstrate that you can behave well even with a little more freedom, privacy and relief.

          You need to be absolutely sure you can maintain good behavior after that policy change though, if your parents' satisfaction with you declines when they give you that chance, you are probably not going to get another chance any time soon.