CutiedeTahlia idk if this is a punishment or not either? because i did kind of break some of the house rules and she was a bit annoyed about that while we were talking. i'll have to see how things go i guess
you are 17 and living with your parents, it was clear that they would notice it at some point. now of course the question is if this is not exactly what you actually want, for the belt to work?
Ines The royal herring is the longest fish in the world with specimens up to 17 meters, longer than whale sharks.
really, do you have a book where all this animal facts are written? 😂
youdontknowme but I still question any parent who would engage in such a dynamic.
on the subject of chastity belt no, on other things maybe. she wanted it so she should wear it properly, i think i can understand that. if then i would only do it for a short period of time.