Tabletop i suddenly feel so hrny all the time i can’t keep my mind off of things. Like i play games and can’t concentrate for sht and all I’m thinking about is when i will be allowed to take it off next time. Or I’m with friends and i feel so pent up i can’t even listen to what they saying. Same with sitting in class, like a whole period would pass and all I’m thinking about are some scenarios in my head…

This is probably getting censored soon because of your age, but if you feel that your lack of relief is distracting you, you should bring that up with your keyholder. Your parents probably do not want your school performance to suffer from your chastity arrangement.

Tabletop Is it Just a phase and i have to weather it out or is it gonna stay like this? It’s strange cuz like i don’t wanna take it off to nut but also i kinda do

Most people in long-term chastity report that frustration comes and goes. It will get better, and then maybe worse over time. Eventually the swings level out a bit and while frustrated episodes still happen, they are milder and shorter.

Tabletop Edit: also why is it that there are literally no normal support groups for chastity stuff except this one? Every single website I look up is taking things in a waaaay to kinky way or they just see it like some sexual thingy… uugh…

Chastity devices are explicitly marketed as sex toys most of the time. Using chastity devices on non-consenting participants is sexual abuse most of the time. Same with restraints; unless you are working in law enforcement or some very specific health care branches, chances are that any handcuffs you are using would be intended for kink play or something. And with chastity belts the grey areas are even smaller since they are applied directly to the genitals.


if it is similar for men as it is for women, then i am sorry to say that your feelings are completely normal. there will always be days when you are better and days when you are very bad. i can say from my experience that the bad days will become less with time, but they will always come back.

Tabletop Uugh BUT WHEN?!?!? haha jkjk 🙂 Idk it’s just strange that for the first 3 weeks or so i didn’t really felt that way

Yeah, the first time frustration comes back is usually the worst one. For some it is after two weeks, for some after three, but usually that range is when you get the biggest frustrated period of a chastity lockup. How long it lasts also depends on the individual. Might be a few days, might be a week or a little more.

Tabletop If im honest, and i hate to say it, i think my schoolwork actually improved overall. It’s just the first month of school but yea i already spend much much more time on doing stuff for school then ever before. Like i also stopped procrastinating, that was a huge problem last year….

It’s just on some days (like today) it feels my stoopid heads can only think of one thing :/

It is like riding a bike. Roll too far to the right, you end up in the ditch. So you need to steer left, but if you steer too far, you end up in oncoming traffic. And then in the ditch.

It is obvious that you benefit from some amount of sexual control, but that does not mean more is better. Just like butter on bread makes the bread taste better, but you would not eat a chunk of butter by itself.

Tabletop It's a normal thing that this occures to you at some time. But don't worry, it's just a phase and will become better after some time, when your body got used to have no sexual actions anymore.
That's because your nody is used to produce hormones and sperm in a way that you have an ejaculation and replacement regularily. So after some time of abstinence the level of hormones has rised quite high. At some point your body will notice that there won't be anymore exit for them so he will adjust the amount of production of them.

Tabletop Yea ig, it’s just strange how strong the desire is, yk? Like I’ve never really felt i had to “do it” this bad…

yes, the need to want something is always greatest when it is not possible, that is the case in many areas of life. it will also get better again, but unfortunately you have to endure it.

Tabletop Anyways thanks for your support ig and yea i figure the horniness will eventually come back but until then I’m good

it's a wave, sometimes everything is good and sometimes not. but i can tell you that after a while there are more normal moments than frustrating ones. 🙂


I am reminded of the story told by Attar of Nishapur, of a Persian king who desired a magic ring. He assembled a group of wise men to create a ring that would make him happy when he was sad. The ring they forged was inscribed with the phrase "This Too Shall Pass."

It is a maxim that serves as both a source of comfort during times of stress, but also as a cautionary tale when your successes are forthcoming.

Remember that in both your times of horniness and frigidity. This too shall pass.

    Tabletop That’s the idea.
    For me my belt and soon new gear represents the shortest road in and the quickest path to victory

    9 days later


    I don’t wear a device 24/7 but I have trained myself not to masturbate, so maybe my advice is applicable?

    1.) pray without ceasing. You can try repeating a simple prayer or memorize all 150 psalms if you want more ammo against temptations

    2.) distract yourself, don’t think about sex, don’t stare at girls (or guys), don’t look at naughty images online or read about sex.

    3.) physical exercise, intense physical exercise can help with urges.

    4.) apply ice if it gets painful. Not everyone has this issue but I certainly do get pain in my testicles if I am aroused and deny myself of release/orgasm.

    5.) watch your diet, overeating and rich foods increase arousal/horniness. Eat simpler blander tasting foods and not to excess

      Sasha Exercise really does help a lot. And can’t argue with the results either

      but i would be deterred by the food tips 😂

      7 days later


      3) doing Yoga, they give some extra postures for celibates

      Do you know which ones?