Jenny You need to save money until you can order a real belt made on your measures.

    Jenny Try Latowski. Iā€™m similar as you and this steel underwear satisfied me completely. Better is only my wife šŸ˜šŸ”.



      Do you think it is excessive masturbation?Are you ok to tell us about the frequency?


      A cheap one?


      I agree.It is not a good idea to use a cheap copy.

        Vanessa Do you think it is excessive masturbation?Are you ok to tell us about the frequency?

        On a free lonely day I did like 5-6 times that is gets really dry.

        Vanessa A cheap one?


        Vanessa I agree.It is not a good idea to use a cheap copy.

        Wanna buy me one? šŸ˜‚

          Jenny I understand what you're saying, but I still can't find one.

          you are 18, you must have parents, a relationship or good friends, right? šŸ˜‰

          Jenny On a free lonely day I did like 5-6 times that is gets really dry.

          that is really a lot

          Jenny Wanna buy me one? šŸ˜‚

          i would wait and save money and then buy a good belt

            Angelina you are 18, you must have parents,

            In fact, my mother discovered my belt once already but she wouldn't hold the key for me. Also she would let me get rid of it so I gotta hide it from my parents.


              interesting, many parents want their children to wear a chastity belt at all costs, yours want to prevent it.

                Angelina many parents want their children to wear a chastity belt at all costs, yours want to prevent it.

                He is not a daugher šŸ˜‚

                  Are there many website members that come from Asia?

                  Jenny In fact, my mother discovered my belt once already but she wouldn't hold the key for me. Also she would let me get rid of it so I gotta hide it from my parents.

                  Hey there and welcome to this forum. I know my mom would react the same if she knew about it. šŸ™‚ Luckily she doesn't / hopefully

                    Max9 You're insanely fortunate to have rational and sane parents. My parents were so absolutely opposed to masturbation that if I'd been caught experimenting with chastity belts when I was 19, I would have had my keys confiscated and stayed locked until marriage, if I was lucky.

                    Laura He is not a daugher šŸ˜‚

                    you know it makes no difference to me šŸ˜‰

                    Jenny On a free lonely day I did like 5-6 times that is gets really dry.

                    I think it is excessive,yes.

                    Angelina i would wait and save money and then buy a good belt

                    I think so,too.

                    Angelina you are 18, you must have parents, a relationship or good friends, right?

                    It's not that easy. Do you habe a friend who you would trust to hold the keys if you were single and if your parents wouldn't hold them?

                    You don't want to seem crazy to the close friend who you ask and loose him that way.

                      Max9 It's not that easy. Do you habe a friend who you would trust to hold the keys if you were single and if your parents wouldn't hold them?

                      that's a difficult question, but i think if i wanted to wear a belt voluntarily and my father didn't want the keys and i was single (now i've blocked out my entire world šŸ˜‚ ) .... yes i would ask my best friend, i've known her for over 10 years and i trust her 100%

                      • Max9 replied to this.

                        my name is Kaushal, I live in eastern europe. I found this forum, while looking for a chastity belt for my fiance. I hope to get some tips and information on my purchase.

                        We talked about it already and even though she is not syced about it she agreed, since she knew this was in store for her before we got engaged. We will start with temporary wearing, but the goal is obviously full time.

                        She will probably join here in the future to get her own advice, but only after we recieved the belt.

                        Thanks so much for having me here.
                        BR Kaushal

                          Kaushal Welcome to the forum and of course, your fiance should be here to.

                            Kaushal Hello and welcome. Can I ask; is the requirement to wear a belt a family tradition, or was it something that you personally wanted? Also, will the belt be used before or after the marriage?

                              Hello to both of you,

                              Jonas My family is very traditional when it comes to women, but I don't know anybody who is wearing a chastity belt. Most of my extended family wouldn't be able to afford a custom made belt. Nevertheless I don't think a girl would have very good chances of getting married, if she isn't a virgin so I am pretty sure my sisters still are. My fiance is from more liberal family, this is why I decided I wanted her to be locked up. We will definitely use the belt before the marriage, to help her adjust and transition to full time. After marriage there will be probably not so much time for her to wear it, since belts and pregnencies don't seem like a good combination.