Avery I can think of ways to argue that it is technically not inconsistent, but I will not appoint myself as Angelina's attorney for this purpose
Academic incentives for belt use
Lea achievements does not need to be necessarily associated with breaks.
do you think you could perform better if you were given breaks as motivation, i.e. if you reach a certain grade you get a break? do you think that would be a viable option?
Sasha sorry if I confused you.
I probably just missed it or didn't think about it, thanks for explaining it again
Avery Have you ever posted this before in the past 5-6 years or whatever it's been?
at least 100 times i wrote that i was in the belt so that i wasn't distracted from school, studies etc (according to my dad), so yes
Angelina do you think you could perform better if you were given breaks as motivation, i.e. if you reach a certain grade you get a break? do you think that would be a viable option?
I am living this right now. I am not wearing the belt because my grades were not good, there are other reasons as I have explained in another topic. But I was told the belt will stay on with no opportunity for "me time" unless my grades improve this coming semester. Let's just say this has been the summer from hell so I am highly motivated to do well in school when it starts back up again in September.
Lea Well, I don't know, probably yes.
you still wear the belt permanently, don't you? are you studying now? Then that could be a deal with your parents, right?
Kate2 Let's just say this has been the summer from hell so I am highly motivated to do well in school when it starts back up again in September.
i hope you will succeed. i don't think this form of motivation is right because i think you should have the same rights as your sister, but i think any motivation to do better at school is good for now
This place is weird
Renita Men in chastity will be obsessed with relief rather than academic success.
I think that this is true fro some men and maybe for most. But with a secure device and and firm help from the keyholder so it is clear that relief will be allowed only under the terms of whatever the agreement was, the obsession goes away fairly quickly and the focus can be on the success.
Kaja This is interesting to hear. Often I have heard the belief that when women are belted, their desire and arousal drops off. Thank you for the information. I think there is probably a lot of individual variation and every situation is different. If the relationship has a focus on the control and the denial as some have described, that increases the arousal. This would be different from a relationship where the belt is just a clinical tool to prevent intercourse and masturbation.
I think it is important to keep in mind that while there may be trends for various sexes, there is also a lot of individual variation in those things - which depends not just on a person's nature, but also on what their lifestyle is like.
And does it work? Did girls who studied while kept chaste by their parents excel in their studies?
Renita You are right. I think I could remain chaste for a long time on my own but I find it easier with help from a keyholder. When they are firm about the rules and conditions for release, it helps the frustration to lower to a tolerable level more quickly. This is just what works for me. I am sure other people have different experiences and opinions.