For my twin,it is very different.Even kissing his girlfriend make him feel pain,when he has to wear his chastity cage,and I think it can easily be the case with a male chastity belt,too.But maybe your brand is designed to allow to be erect,while still preventing orgasm.
Lukas Yes, that's pretty much it. That way she has at least some way of "seeing something sexual" from me. Besides, allthough the frustration is horrible it does at least prevent the dripping for quite some time and that's a nice side effect.
I think it is good for your relationship,too.
Lukas As long as you don't clamp any blood vessels in the cage it's pretty safe. It only seems that the penis gets smaller after wearing for a long time (I can confirm that), but it seems like that is only temporary and is reversed after a few days of being unlocked.
I guess it can be worn without having problems,even after a long wearing time,but it seems it can easily have very bad consequences...
Possible,yes,it would have the expected effect,preventing the man wearing it to masturbate and have sex.But the consequences and side effects could be very different.