Sara2001 Yes, if you agreed once, it's no longer your business, except for the 3 month rule. As a wearer of a chastity belt you should have no direct influence, it will only lead to stress in the relationship.
No talk regularly(every year,every other year,etc...),to check up if it is still ok for both of you?
Sara2001 Yes, something like this can be part of the agreement. But only the key holder should decide if the grades are good enough or whatever criteria has to be reached.
It should be clear for both at the start,and accepted by both.But the key holder may decide what is a "good grade",and,as long as it is reachable(deciding a good grade is 20/20 won't be reachable,in most of cases,for example),I think it would be accepted easily.
Sara2001 Of course. I think no girl or woman should be forced, especially after marriage.
I agree.
Ines Reward can be a trip, or a concert ticket!
It could be a reward among other,too!π
Ines I do not consider it good excuse
Not an excuse,but a good incentive to study better,and a way to help the wearer a bit!π
I don't agree.There is some circumstances which impact a lot our life(finishing our studies,falling in love(in the case of a very serious relationship),etc...),and it can impact our wearing of a chastity belt(even more for a voluntary wearer).In such situations,a talk,and maybe some changes,can be considered.
Laura But a chastity belt increases this chance, because most girl consider sex as most important thing in this age
Not totally wrong.πBut it is possible to still be a good student,even without a chastity belt.
Angelina it would also be a good possibility for a contract or ?
Angelina that's true, but it only works if everyone sticks to the agreement π
It can be done without a contract,too!π
Angelina or the girl is allowed to masturbate because she has proved that she can concentrate on her grades and not on sexual activities π
It could backfire on her easily.She may be told she was able to concentrate on her gades well as she was prevented to do sexual activities...
Angelina keep trying, but take your time and be patient π
I agree!
And good luck to her.