Ines I understand your point of view but you can not transpose a situation of your environment (microcosm) to deduce a universal thing and I will try to show you why.
There is an ancestral classification of the different types of human personality called enneagram.
It consists of 9 types of very distinct personalities and one of them happens to be the type 8 which corresponds to that of the born leader.
Well know that when we belong to this type N Β° 8 all our actions of everyday life are guided by our profile leader.
This means that the soul of the leader is not intended to vary according to the environment in which he is called to evolve.
That it is the family environment, professional, friendly, political, associative ...: A leader will always want to be at the controls because it is inscribed in his psychic inheritance.
If you're interested, I think you should be able to find yourself in Type 5 because you seem to be very attracted to the world of knowledge and understanding to better protect yourself.
Finally it's just what seems to come out of our exchanges but I can obviously be wrong.
So that you can realize that we can have a totally distorted view of reality by focusing our attention on a non-significant sample, I invite you to consult this photograph of the French football team. (Note that I have already used this example on another discussion of this forum)
How many black or half-breed players do you count against the 23 players of the France team ?
Assuming that this team has represented France around the world by winning the 2018 World Cup ...
Would you go so far as to conclude that the black population represents 50% of the French population ?!
Of course not.
By focusing only on this photograph some people with no knowledge in geography could even go so far as to deduce that France is on the African continent !
Note that my example is valid in reverse if we take this time the team of South Africa.
INES you are sincere in what you say, but I do not think it necessarily corresponds to the reality of the world in which we live.