Hi Ines, as agreed I resume the course of my analysis in relation to my cult film.
Compared to Titanic there is a scene that reminds me of a chastity belt. This is the scene of the "corset". I found it in one block but the video has been removed so it is split into two videos.
To visualize the scene in question it is necessary to read the video from 1'38 ''
I do not know if you have the same feeling as me but for my part I would tend to assume that if Rose's mother had had a chastity belt at her disposal she would have locked her on her daughter to prevent her from flirt with Jack.
What you need to know is that in the initial project of the film, the scene was supposed to be reversed: that is to say that it is Rose who should have tied the corset of her mother but that would not have not had the same psychological impact.
Looking at this scene, I really feel that Rose's mother is tightening the corset's ties like the parents tighten the belt between their daughter's legs so that they do not go where they feel they should not go.
In this scene we feel all the oppression of the mother on her daughter who wants to keep control over her whatever the price to pay
I find that this scene perfectly illustrates the psychological situation in which most of the girls girdled on this forum are. At the bottom of their hearts are all "Rose Dewitt Bukater" since each of them aspires to more freedom and to be able to blossom sexually as a Woman with a big W.
But they can not flourish because they are under moral pressure from their parents.
If in the film Rose is not oppressed "sexually" she is nevertheless oppressed "morally" in having to resolve to marry a man she does not, only, love to meet the financial needs of his family.
What is interesting is that most of the girls on this forum say that despite this moral constraint they consider that their parents act for their good.
And in the film we see that this is also the case for the character of Ruth (the mother of Rose) as evidenced by the following scene:
With this scene we do not pretend that Ruth does not like her daughter since we can see that she is morally annihilated by Rose's flip-flop. This is a crucial moment in the film where Rose decides to cut the bridges with her mother (She breaks her mental belt).
She finally realize that, even if her mother loved her sincerely, the persistence of this oppressive relationship would eventually rot the rest of her life (just as the wearing of the belt imposed on girls will leave traces in my subconscious and will unfortunately prevent them from living a relationship that is fully fulfilled emotionally).
I would hope to be in the error on this point but unfortunately the studies carried out on the subject concluded that the repression of the sexuality of an individual engendered deep disturbances of the personality and the self-esteem. One day the malaise is likely to rise to the surface and this will produce the same effect as a burnout.
Unfortunately, I noticed that the girls were rather in denial about this psychological problem. For me it is obvious that they underestimate the risk of traumatic resurgence in the years to come.
One day, however, they will ask themselves: Why was this constraint imposed on me? What did I do to be treated differently from other girls? Why should female orgasm be so repressed? Am I really a bad girl when I'm touching here?
The last two questions are interesting because:
Either the answer they will validate in the coming years will be:
YES. The female orgasm must be repressed because a girl who is enjoying herself is a debauchee who really shames her family by behaving like that. And in this case they will bless their parents to have s.exually repressed them to avoid making bad girls.
On the contrary, the answer they will validate will be:
NO. The female orgasm did not have to be repressed so harshly because a girl who pleases herself does not do any harm to anyone. They will then conclude that the constraint imposed by their parents did not make any sense and that they endured moral suffering for nothing.
As I have personally been called to see the damage that a simple injustice between sisters could generate as a behavioral disorder in my mother, I do not even dare to imagine the long-term psychological consequences that such an oppression would risk. to engender on the psyche of girls.
It is for this reason that I spend some of my time trying relieve them.
Because if they managed to get around the oppression of their belt by getting an orgasm, it would have the effect of releasing them psychically. They would have won a victory over parental oppression and would probably live much more peacefully wearing their belts.
Moreover they would feel valued for having been able to circumvent such an object of oppression.
And if I had to make the link between my motivation to be on the forum and the film of James Cameron I think that the following scene would summarize well my state of mind through the character of Jack. (Rose symbolically representing all the girls of the forum)
Jack (me) explaining to Rose (to the belted girls of the forum) the sneaky danger that threatens them.
Rose, in the denial of her situation, makes Jack believe that everything will be fine and that he does not have to worry about her.
Rose : Well, I'm fine ... I'll be fine ... really.
Jack seriously doubts he explains that for the moment she still strong but that one day it will eventually crack.
Jack : Really? I do not think so. They've got you trapped, Rose. And you're gonna die if you do not break free. Maybe not right away because you're strong but ... Rose ... that fire's gonna burn out ...
Rose is upset because she knows deep inside her that Jack was right but she prefers to stay in her oppressive and uncomfortable situation rather than risk losing everything and starting from scratch.
Rose : It's not up to you to save me, Jack.
Jack must then bow, Rose's fate no longer belongs to him, he must resolve to let her decide on her life even if this choice tears her heart
Jack : You're right ... only you can do that. "
Initially I had not planned to make the connection between the film and the oppressive situation that the girls live this forum. And by reviewing this scene by chance it came out as obvious to me as if the words pronounced by Jack echoed my statement of helplessness compared to the girls of this forum.
I came to the conclusion that even the best intentions in the world could come up against the harsh reality of the world around us.
I hope that my psychological demonstration will have pleased you.
Do not hesitate to tell me if my clumsy comparison or even totally misplaced.
To be continuedโฆ