Laura As for me, I did nothing before I have got the belt initially. So, it depends.
Don't you feel it very unfait?
It is different for you,as you wear one willingly.
I like your comparison.It fits well,I think.
Ines Angelina, it is not the same. To be in prison is lose life while you are inside the walls.
And a chastity belt is losing our sexual life.Which is an important part of our life.And it can impacts negatively other importants parts of our life,too;some activities are not possible,we have to wear clothes hiding it,it can be harder for us to dare to start dating...
Ines I will speak about my situation and opinion, of course.
Our belt is not similar to prison, they protect our feminity, do not steal it, it is caressed and protected until the person who I choice appear in my life.
I have the power of end my belting anytime and I have the power of choice the person who I want give my life.
Do you see because it is very different of a prison?
But,in your case,it is not forced,and you've more freedom.
Laura It's not a prison, but reasonable restriction, like drinking age, for example.
Drinking,too much or too often,can endanger our life.Masturbating,and,if carefu(I was),having sex,not much.Sure,doing it too much or too often,can cause problems too,but I think it is easier to drink too much/often than to do the same with sexual activities.
Angelina the example may have been a bit exaggerated
Not that much.
Angelina a chastity belt is a kind of prison, our drives our lust our sexuality no matter what you want to call it, it's in a prison
I agree.
Angelina I don't think it's necessary from the ground up to wear a cb if there is no real evidence or sign of sexual pleasure of the daughter π
Me too.Even if I don't like the idea to force a daughter to wear one,it should even less be used when there is no proof she disobeys,at least some stains on her sheets...
Angelina and i think "mom" understands my post and will follow it, we have a lot in common π€£
But,still,driving without a license is way more dangerous than having sex(with condom and on the pill).And,if you only sit in the car and don't drive(masturbate),it is not a problem!π