Vanessa .It only means she enjoys her body and what she feels!🙂

Yes, I was not making criticism, but I do not see it well for a girl... I do not like it.
It just my wiew.

    Ines It just my wiew.

    and we accept this opinion 😉

    but please also accept that many girls here think differently 😉


    No problem,you can have your opinion about it(pretty similar to my parents' one),even if I don't share it!🙂


      I think many parents belting their daughters(with the secondary shield on)think it,too.

        Vanessa I think preventing masturbation is maybe even the main reason. Otherwise they would allow us to have little breaks now and then to release ourselves. The fact that many of us never get this moments and that many of us even have to wear tightbands and/or chastity bras to take away the very last, extremely small possibilities, proofs me right.

        A chastity belt even without secondary shield projects any girls virginity perfectly. Anything else is to prevent masturbation/sexual pleasure.


          perfectly true

          in the beginning i also thought that the main reason for my father is that he wants to prevent an unwanted pregnancy or is afraid that i will have a relationship based only on sex, but since i have the tighbands and the bra i am sure that he wants to stop any sexual pleasure 🙁

          Ines Preserve our sexuality for right moment, no doubt.

          You can't preserve something that can't be damaged or destroyed.

          You can preserve virginity and unwanted pregnancy, but you can not preserve the lack of sexual pleasure.

          At least that's my opinion 🙂


          Totally right,I agree with you.

          I guess parents belting their daughters,no matter the reason,want often to stop her masturbating,too.Except a few cases among us.And even in these cases,it is generally greatly reduced.


          I understand it,but I don't think masturbating should be included.

            Vanessa I understand it,but I don't think masturbating should be included.

            I can understand when parents don't want a girl to masturbate very often. But I would love to have a little break any 2 weeks to release my urges a bit.

            I don't think this would make me a slut.

              Vanessa I understand it,but I don't think masturbating should be included.

              I also think I could understand my father not wanting me to have sex, but I always feel very humiliated when I am not able to relieve my urge 🙁

              as @Sara2001 wrote, i will not become a slut if i masturbate every 2 weeks

                Sara2001 and Angelina

                I would like to be able to masturbate,too;even if every two weeks is not a lot,it would still be much better than my current situation.

                And no,it wouldn't make us sluts.

                7 days later

                I read the responses and it seems that preventing masturbation is just to prevent pleasure, no other reasons. strange because I thought there was some more important reason than this.

                Other than preventing sex and masturbation and stuff like that, are there other reasons to prevent access "there"?

                  amber are there other reasons to prevent access "there"?

                  Non-penetrative sex

                    amber I mean, are there any possible non-sexual reasons?

                    As reminder you must be a good girl.


                      not really, i don't see any non-sexual reason why you should wear a cb


                      Without secondary shield,you can do some things with a boyfriend/girlfriend,which are prevented by it.

                      And it seems many parents think masturbation is the first step to having sex,too.


                      Yes,for fetish use,some games in a couple...


                      Right,but I think it is unusual to use it for this.


                      Do you think it is often used as a fashion item?Especially ones from main brands?