Angelina it's exactly that. There's a common thing seen in psychology where someone overtime will chose something familiar rather then unfamiliar, even if that thing is bad for them. You were terrified and miserable and were pleading with people on here when your thigh bands were added on. Now, because it's familiar, you just tell people to play nice, do as their told. The thigh bands worked and you've become a great deal more submissive then at the start. Your father was successful in what he was trying to do.
Purpose of preventing masturbation?
James any chance you could explain how I'm mansplaining by pointing out what I've noticed? Because it seems like the goal of alot of people on here is to help others get used to the chastity, which I respect, but I don't share this same reason for joining this discussion. I garuntee and I hope I'll be a different view point in this. It's ironic you say I'm mansplaining dispite men on here literally using chastity as disaplinary measures.
Angelina I respect that you see it differently, just this is what I've noticed. Your overall tone seems to have changed. In my personal opinion.
Jimmycane Because the definition of mansplaining is "to comment on or explain something to a woman in a condescending, overconfident, and often inaccurate or oversimplified manner."
You've come in here with a debating, white knight sort of attitude to prosthelytize. What you don't seem to appreciate is this is a forum made by women. Whatever you might think about their situations, you don't need to come in with an offensive manner, as if you're seeking to shake the apples off a stubborn tree in early fall.
James... Condescending? Really? In a forum where women's fathers put them in chastity cages against their will? Where some have been terrified to try anything and where when a 13 year old introduces herself she's told to just go with what she's told to make it easier on herself? Really?
As I've said multiple times now I respect the different experiences each of us has been through so we obviously will have different view points, but just because I'm going against the rough and stating my own opinions and as someone who's gotten to read through months of chats I don't feel that makes me a "white knight". Sara for example I completely disagree with but I know it's just how she was raised. I'll question and point out the things she says to stimulate a conversation some may not want to have but I won't go around insulting someone's beliefs or character unless I saw something as actually abusive. Which I would hope YOU would also point out.
James okay I'm ending this back and forth chat here so it dosent end up being two guys yelling at each other but I was under the impression any gender is welcome, as I too am in chastity but by choice as an adult. You James have been posting plenty, you don't get to be the sole exception to what you just said how it's not men's space. You are the only one being aggressive here and I don't wish to bicker over something something and this deffinantly isn't the place to do it.
Jimmycane I was under the impression any gender is welcome, as I too am in chastity but by choice as an adult.
I think there are tons of places where male adults that wear their chastity belt as a free choice can meet and talk. I hope this place will keep his purpose (at least the purpose I see), to be a platform for girls and woman in (mostly forced/unwanted) chastity without a sexual or fetish context.
I really dislike all the "your parents are crazy/evel/out of time", "go to police/fire department/hospital" posts.
I think most women here know their legal options and think that family is a big value.
Good Morning.
Firstly, you should create a post in Introduction topic.
Anyway, Jimmycane, here all opinions are wellcome, but attitudes of "I will make you see the light, illiterate people" are not wellcome.
I do not say that it is your case but I remind. Nobody goes to a forum to be treated as a child, but to talk and share as communicative intelligent adults.
Take in account.
With this you can think white, black or grey (my case), but always respeting forum philosophy.
Ines Jimmycane, here all opinions are wellcome, but attitudes of "I will make you see the light, illiterate people" are not wellcome.
I do not say that it is your case but I remind. Nobody goes to a forum to be treated as a child, but to talk and share as communicative intelligent adults.
I can completely agree with you. And I want to make clear that if anyone here asks for help or advice in this or that, these kind of input is very, very welcome but unwanted "help" feels like "I see the light you don't see". That's what I dislike.
so first of all everybody is welcome here no matter which sex, which age and whether self locked or not
however I agree with the contributions of @Sara2001 and I am also of the opinion that every girl here knows her rights and I also know that I would not have to accept this state
but there are deeper reasons why we accept our (very unpleasant) situation. by this I mean addiction or the fear of family breakdown
I think many of us wear a belt for at least one of these reasons,sure.
It is often until marriage...
For having been,and be presently,with unbelted girlfriends,I think it is not unladylike at all.It only means she enjoys her body and what she feels!
Angelina but I think it won't change her situation much
I think too...
Jimmycane I disagree with many things said here but emphasize with many of you as my chastity experience has been fully consetual and for my own amusement. Angelina you in particular give very surprising advice now compared to months ago.
Possible.Maybe because we have larger understanding of it after discussing a lot with each other here.
Difficult to say.Her mother hasn't explained well why she decided it,so it is difficult to know if there is a reason.
Angelina i just manage to get along with it better than in the beginning, but i think that is completely normal
I think too it is normal.
If she doesn't do it excessively,it is not harmful.
I don't agree.For me,it seems she managed it as she can't do otherwise,but still hate it,and wouldn't hesitate to stop wearing these(and the other devices),if she can.As she can't,it is better to try to manage these as well as possible...
I don't think you expressed yourself badly,I understand you well.&
I agree.Especially as his first post was to explain women what they feel,and insist even after they tell him he was wrong...
Yes.Guys are welcomed here,and you can confirm it,but if it is for trolling or starting a flame war,they should try another place.
I have discussed about it with @Laura on Misterpoll,and we agreed to accept men,wearing or not a chastity cage/belt,as long as it is mainly for women and they respect it.What mainly men's posting here does.
Ines Anyway, Jimmycane, here all opinions are wellcome, but attitudes of "I will make you see the light, illiterate people" are not wellcome.
I agree.
Laura Chastity cages for girls? What are you talking about?
I noticed it too!