I read the responses and it seems that preventing masturbation is just to prevent pleasure, no other reasons. strange because I thought there was some more important reason than this.

Other than preventing sex and masturbation and stuff like that, are there other reasons to prevent access "there"?

    amber are there other reasons to prevent access "there"?

    Non-penetrative sex

      amber I mean, are there any possible non-sexual reasons?

      As reminder you must be a good girl.


        not really, i don't see any non-sexual reason why you should wear a cb


        Without secondary shield,you can do some things with a boyfriend/girlfriend,which are prevented by it.

        And it seems many parents think masturbation is the first step to having sex,too.


        Yes,for fetish use,some games in a couple...


        Right,but I think it is unusual to use it for this.


        Do you think it is often used as a fashion item?Especially ones from main brands?

          F#@%... 😡 my mom told me that i will start wearing the belt almost permanently later this week. just great...
          after arguing for half an hour i asked her to at least tell me why she makes me wear it, and as always, instead of telling the actual reason she started saying "because youre XX, you don't need access "there" without a good reason, at least until you're XXX", "you can always ask me to unlock it if you actually need it", "it's not girly to look "down there" anyway" and other bullshit

          it's early morning already and i can't sleep, i'm so angry 😡

            amber For me this sounds like the try of sounding polite while saying "I don't want you to masturbate". I hope you will manage it well. 24/7 is a big change.

              Sara2001 it wasn't polite, it was a very heated conversation.
              She doesn't say it directly because she thinks i don't know about masturbation and she doesnt want me to learn about it (im 99% sure), she doesn't even call the chastity belt "chastity belt", she calls it "special underwear". It's hard to explain, but it's very annoying when she talks about it.
              24/7 wear starts today, from now on she won't let me take it off unless absolutely nesessary and "i give a very good reason" to unlock it. 😞

                amber he doesn't say it directly because she thinks i don't know about masturbation and she doesnt want me to learn about it

                But she probably knows that you know what to do with boys

                  Laura idk, we have never talked about sex or relating things.

                  amber she started saying "because youre 14, you don't need access "there" without a good reason, at least until you're 16"

                  That's the actual reason, because she thinks you are old enough, but I'm pretty sure you will continue to wear even after 16.

                  amber She doesn't say it directly because she thinks i don't know about masturbation and she doesnt want me to learn about it

                  Maybe she uses a more honest communication if you name everything as it is.


                    so first of all, I'm very sorry for you 🙁

                    then a little tip, pay attention to what you wear, no tight pants otherwise someone in school or in public might notice the cb 🙁

                    i honestly think it is quite unnecessary from your mother not to talk to you about it, if she uses something like a cb, she should talk about it properly, i agree with you. but don't show your mother that you are angry, i know it is difficult but it can make you look more mature 😉

                    unfortunately I don't think that you will be free again at 16 (I have to be honest) 🙁

                      Sara2001 Maybe she uses a more honest communication if you name everything as it is.

                      I don't think you have anything to lose by saying you know what it is, have known for awhile, and come to an agreement not to really do it. It's clear she's scared of you having sexual relations, but...why?


                        I'm sorry for you,even if it is not very surprising....Wearing it permanently is very hard...

                        It would be good if you don't have to wear it anymore when 16,but,like other posters here,I've doubt about it too...



                        Angelina then a little tip, pay attention to what you wear, no tight pants otherwise someone in school or in public might notice the cb 🙁

                        Right advice.

                        Angelina i honestly think it is quite unnecessary from your mother not to talk to you about it, if she uses something like a cb, she should talk about it properly, i agree with you. but don't show your mother that you are angry, i know it is difficult but it can make you look more mature 😉

                        I agree,you must stay calm to discuss it with her,otherwise it would not lead to anything good.But,if she can't start to use these words,you should ask her politely why she doesn't want you to masturbate by making you wear a chastity belt.If she notices you know what masturbation and chastity belt mean,she may feel free to discuss it more precisely(but take care it doesn't make you punished for saying it,even if it can be worth it if she discuss more freely after it).


                        I agree,if she tells her mother she knows about it,it can help to have an useful talk(even if I doubt she'll manage to not wear it anymore so easily).

                          Vanessa (but take care it doesn't make you punished for saying it,even if it can be worth it if she discuss more freely after it).

                          if she manages to have a calm and objective conversation with her mother about it, i see no reason for a punishment. if there is a punishment for pronouncing the words mastubation and chastity belt, i would tell the mother that she should not use anything she does not want to pronounce 😉

                            You might want to go the "this is illegal rode"