Laura You just should tell them you will be back when you wish

I'm sure @Vanessa has tried it more than once

    Angelina you're 25, you'd better do something about it

    Sounds strange for me. Either belt or curfew, but not both.

      My curfew is 6pm without additional approval from mom. It can be extended until 10pm during week and midnight on weekends but I need to tell mom exactly where I am going and she needs to approve it.

        Katie My curfew is 6pm

        6 pm is just "start of a day" πŸ˜‚

          Laura 6 pm is just "start of a day" πŸ˜‚

          I can stay out later but I need to ask permission and she must know where I’m going. That being said she won’t give permission if chores aren’t done. When in school homework must be done too.

            Katie And it hasn't changed since you wear the belt?

              Laura it has. Before belt it was 10pm week nights and none on fri/sat night

                Katie and she must know where I’m going

                that's what my father wants to know outside my curfew too.


                be glad you're too old for this. πŸ˜ƒ

                  Katie curfew is the time you must be home by.

                  But what for? Is it required by law? I miss the point.

                  Angelina be glad you're too old for this.

                  I didn't know this word when I was in your age.

                    Christine and never had.

                    not even as a child/teenager?

                    Renita But what for? Is it required by law? I miss the point.

                    because parents say so, because many parents worry when children/teenagers are outside alone too long

                    Renita I didn't know this word when I was in your age.

                    so you were allowed to be out as long as you wanted ? you never got told: "you must at... be home"?