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@Foxies > "However, I have always found it interesting that evolution permitted the orgasmic sensation to be achievable in a solo setting. That never made much sense. Or did our genes evolve a mechanism that masturbation is frowned on even though the orgasmic experience is still intense?"
First of all, evolution doesn't have to make sense. If this was the case homosexuality wouldn't exist (I really having nothing against it in the contrary it's the diversity that makes this world this beautiful and working). Evolution works through try and error. And we want to see a sense in everything that sorrounds us. And mostly we didn't find a sense or if there is one we didn't find it yet.
I see it more in a biological way how our body works. If we get hungry and eat something the food expands our stomach. This gives us a feel of satisfaction. And if we are eating in a group the satisfaction is greater. Because not only our stomach sends a signal that he is full and our brain is satisfied by it. There are many other inputs (good talking, laughing, .... [my english is really to bad to explain it the way I want]). So with all these different inputs the satisfactions become greater.
And with masturbation or sex with your partner (can be more than one at the same time ;-) ) it's the same. When you stimulated certain points of your body you can get an orgasm. And if your partner does it, it is even greater.