Jonas I think we have the same opinions. I'm just to lazy to express myself clearly in my bad english. Seriously I never believed my teachers that I would need english again and they were so right about it.
So I try to express myself in a better way. This will be a short explanation and doesn't cover everything I want to write about it.
Masturbation itself isn't bad I think we have the same opinion about it.
I think in a young age (maybe 14 - 25 I don't want to draw a sharp line) you need it to understand what you like and how you like it (and with this I mean explore everything even parts of the so called fetish world). To talk about more decent, don't think you know anything about metal music if you only listened to 2 or 3 songs or even 2 or 3 bands.
[And yeah again I described it way to short so maybe many of you get the wrong idea of what I mean, we will see...]
Somethings you need to explore with yourself first and somethings you can only explore with a partner. And if you have build your knowledge base you can start to make better decisions. Because you don't have to say anymore "I think..." or "I believe..." instead you can say "I know...".
[Yeah and again this description is way to short.]
So real chastity the way you and Fatherof3 describe should start when your knowledge base is set and you know what you want from the world.
More words that I thought but way to short to express myself so you really understand what I mean. But if I'm right about your thinking you will understand the core of what I want to express. Even if I don't know how many grammar, tenses and other mistakes this text has.