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Laura unlocked the discussion .
a year later

Kaja I still not found much content about anal stimulation.

I know only about me that I do it.

But for a lot of you there it can be greate way to orgasm.

    Kaja But for a lot of you there it can be greate way to orgasm.

    so on the one hand in lesbian relationships not easy, on the other hand i find it kind of disgusting, just my opinion but i don't want to get something stuck in there where i poop

    • Kaja replied to this.

      Angelina For lesbian it is might be more easy. Noone will force you penis there. And finger or two are MUCH MORE easy and it can brings enaugh pleasure.

        Kaja And finger or two are MUCH MORE easy and it can brings enaugh pleasure.

        maybe, but overcoming is another issue and if my father finds out, i would have huge problems.

          Angelina is another issue and if my father finds out, i would have huge problems.

          Then be careful and only try it out when he is definitely not there or go to a hotel.

            Angelina Well, how he can find it out? You can do it with your gf at her house.

              Joh Then be careful and only try it out when he is definitely not there or go to a hotel.

              Kaja Well, how he can find it out? You can do it with your gf at her house.

              Kaja Overcoming?

              I'm sorry, of course the risk that my father will notice something is very low, I just want to mention it in passing. it's the psychological component, my asshole (sorry) is the part i poop through (sorry again), it's... disgusting, my opinion. How am I supposed to enjoy something I find disgusting?

              • Kaja replied to this.

                Angelina I understant. I discovery it when I was young and I did not thing about it much. I was just curious. So no problems for me 😀

                Abby82 You can find cheap one via booking.com, trivago.com or bedandbreakfast.eu.


                would your parents allow it? besides, i've done it myself before, on holiday alone with camryn, but if you take out the anal sex method, you don't succeed, the belts are too secure.


                just try it, book a hotel room for 2 or three days. i assume you have your own account, then your parents don't even have to notice. you can try everything, but i don't promise success.

                and since some people here are talking about lockpicking again, here's another tip. why don't you order the padlock you have from mysteel and then test it out to see if it works?

                • Joh replied to this.

                  Sorry to be so curious, but you have or somehow secure / check CB or lock against cheating?

                    C-B Whom are you asking?

                    • C-B replied to this.