vyktoryah yeah so far. its been pretty clean around the house now so thats good i feel.
Good they take care of it,now.
Rina I don't really feel it's a good sign... they can make up any "trouble" as an excuse... I hope they don't.
vyktoryah she said she wants to work up to doing longer periods but shes fully aware of the skin irritation
vyktoryah she said its okay if i dont use it for that week.
Good too.
vyktoryah my sister is actually moving in with her friend now to avoid having to wear one
A bit extreme reaction!
What your parents think about it?
If once everyday,it is not excessively,in my opinion.
vyktoryah ill get through this and then ill say goodbye to it forever.
I'm very surprised they have bought one for you,which is pretty expensive and woudl accept to use it "only" for a month...
vyktoryah all i know is libby cant close her door now and my other sister is just literally leaving
But when she's alone(not with your parents at home, I mean),I doubt she care about her door...
vyktoryah i really cant touch myself at all in this. and its extremely frustrating to me, and it was super humiliating too
Not surprising,and logical reactions.
vyktoryah i dont really even think it would work
Sorry,but it wouldn't...
She's the webmaster.
Not so sure,he seems skilled in it!
A bit surprising.Maybe she consider it,but is too scared to accept it,and try to infirm or confirm her fears about it with these talks.
Can't she try for a set duration,and then decide if she would still wear it or not,as it is willingly,in your family?
I think so.
Angelina the beginning is horrible that's true
It's not perfect even after a longer time,but it's worse at the start,yes.