vyktoryah I am not an expert and can't offer any help in your situation. But masturbating is not the cause of your problems. You might be using it as an escape, sure, but to me it appears it's your environment that is causing your unhappiness.
There is one thing I would like to point out, and it's that your world now is very insular. It might seem impossible right now, but changing your environment is key to changing your mindset. This might take years, but believe me, that's not as long as it seems!
I take it you have not experienced much outside of your bedroom, your school, family, town, whatever. The world is a much, much bigger place than you can possibly imagine. Travelling might be difficult now, but it won't stay that way forever. Have you ever wanted to see ummm... I don't know... the Pyramids? Machu Picchu? A beach in Costa Rica? A jungle in Laos? What about Australia?
The point I want to make is that your current situation is not making you happy, so work towards changing it (however long that may take). Make a goal to be somewhere completely different in three years. Take a shit job in retail. Flip some burgers. Make a website. Learn how to mix drinks. All of these things will give you skills you can use later in life, almost anywhere in the world.
Travelling won't solve all your problems, but at least it's something different. I don't mean a Contiki tour where you get drunk for two weeks. Save $15,000, take a plane to ____ and never look back. There is so much more to the world than what you know, and it's all yours to explore. Some of it sucks, some of it is fantastic, and much of it is just utterly bizarre. Life is always worth living. You just have to figure out where to look.