youdontknowme Who says thats the notion? Who says that everyone who posts this meme supports it? Many things can be poked fun at, the fact that the entire gender stuff came pretty much out of nowhere a couple of years ago or the fact that many genders are actually more like character traits than actual sexualities, or a copies of each other, the fact that genderstudies exists and that there are some social media "influencers" who may or may not have capitalized on this trend and so on.
There are many interesting, funny and questionable things about this phenomenon but to instantly throw a fit when someone posts a copypasta (which in itself should tell you that nothing of this post is to be taken seriously) without even knowing their intentions, just cause some sweaty Neckbeard doesn't like trans people or whatever and used it once , is just insane to me. Not being able to handle entry-level banter just makes a very, very bad impression of you.
Because here is how I feel about that stuff: I don't care, do whatever. It's legal, have your fun.
Hell, even a singnificant part of 4chan doesn't give a shit at this point and they are some of the most hostile creatures on this planet and spammed that Copypasta on mass.