Angelina not everyone makes the promise to god (i won't) and for me marriage doesn't mean love until death, but the promise to try everything to make the marriage last until the end of life, but no one should be unhappily married.
Just saw this and it struck a cord. Angela and I are not married - at least in the eyes of the law. When we first got together it wasn't an option anyway. Marriage and even civil unions were not yet a "thing". Instead we lived together (in sin? 🤣 ). At first it was just convenient (she nursed me back to health). Then we became aware that by living together we made each other happy. Both of us realised that while it wasn't always roses, on balance we made each others lives better and grew "comfortable" in our relationship. It always made more sense to stay together and work out what differences we had, than to split up. In essence we became "married" in the truest sense of the word.
While we have never formally promised to stay married until death us do part, long ago we realised that that is what we both want. Our goal ultimately is to make each other happy and by doing so increase our own happiness. It works for us and these days we actually both wear rings signifying our unity.
Angela has indeed looked after me in sickness and in health and I would always do the same for her. It doesn't matter that we occasionally get cranky and annoyed with each other, we have long since learned that what ever our differences are, together we can always sort things out and restore life to the wonderful feeling of being together.
Believe me, it has nothing to do with chastity or sex. They merely add to the spice of life, increase the fun, and humor. My "equipment" while real and very much a part of my life, is merely an adjunct to our relationship, albeit providing a sense of being bound together which is important, but only because it is consensual on both our parts.
(Sorry if this was off topic - but Angelina's comment triggered my commenting urge 🤣 )