General remark: Though I believe belts could play a useful and effective role in therapy, legal system incl. the penitentiary system - particularly when put in relation to actually existing offenses and sentences(!) - I wouldn't just start in prisons. Cause if it was introduced there, I'm afraid it would just reinforce that misconception of equating the whole topic with medieval, "torture", pain, punishment (maybe bondage, at best), again.
Doesn't mean it's wrong what you (e.g. Megan , Ines ) wrote. I'm rather with you regarding it's usefulness. Just worrying that all the good and positive aspects might go to rack and ruin, if the general public's first introduction to chastity devices would be something like "ah that's what criminals wear" ...
Angelina I've thought about it again and try to formulate something simple.
Husbands have the right to demand that the wife wears a chastity belt, the wife has to accept this if the husband has informed her before the marriage. he can sue later in court if the wife does not fulfill her marital obligations or is unfaithful.
Parents can apply to the court for the daughter to wear a chastity belt, but they have to justify it well and have it approved by a judge, and there is also supervision by an official authority that checks that the parents are not abusing the power
what do you think of it and do you have any ideas how to make it more concrete?
Would have spared valuable people in my life a big portion of trouble. Generally like your idea. The parenting part is probably in line with principles of existing handling concerning legal guardianship and care I learned to know in Germany. Just adding another instrument. Now, I know it's a controversial topic and I am quite torn between different positions here.
So for now, let me just focus on one aspect and possible shortcoming in "your" version of the law: I'd say, to make a judge rule in favor of that chastity with full conviction, some bad things must already have happened. Unfortunately and from my experience, these could easily mean very serious, sometimes irreversible things
Covering costs of belts would be quite powerful and substantial. One the one hand, It's a significant amount of money. On the other hand, I'd suggest that all direct and indirect costs saved by such a measure (in medical support, incl. therapy, counceling, in criminal prosecution, courts, etc etc), not to speak of all the suffering of humans prevented, incl. the terrible issue of pregnancies that never should have been etc, should be put in comparison. Could be a research project to investigate all the impacts of such measures.