Max9 no, usually they treat both the same.
Well, here I disagree in part. However you are right in some things, sexuality can not be treated equally, because things that are very important for us, do not have any importance for boys.
youdontknowme there are parents who consider a daughter who has had unmarried sex spoiled goods, whereas no such thing is typically thought of sons.
It is not matter of "goods", we are people, exactly same than boys, but obviously sexual awakening in girls have much more transcendence than in boys, so, usually we should be more controlled. But I doubt any parents think about their girls as " goods".
Lana In an ideal world, that's the case but it's the sad reality
I do not see it, necessarily, as something sad. We are different. It is sad when there is disrespect or contempt.
Protection of inner and outer dangers! 😅
youdontknowme it may be an is, but it is definitely not a should.
Well, a lot of girls search this. I am not saying all the girls, but a lot of us look for diligent men, so, as far as it is willingly, I like boys behave as boys. It is much easier for me, for example, and I like it. And no, I do not like/want/accept being beaten, I do not accept a man tell me constantly what can/can not do, but in general, I like men have initiative. A lot of girls, again I am generalizing, we are a bit lazy, and we like boys keep the course of relationship.