youdontknowme That's all really interesting. Although I need my other half to be tough with me in certain problem areas, we don't have a dom/sub relationship. I'm not exactly how equality continues while the belt imposes such an imbalance but it does.

The way you put it, mutual chastity sounds like a really interesting concept, though as @Angelina points out it must be difficult to stay strong. It must be hard not to come up with deals and excuses and all kinds of other insecure ideas!

    Jonas I'm not exactly how equality continues while the belt imposes such an imbalance but it does.

    I think that may be because you are not kept chaste at your keyholder's whim, but you have very specific terms that you both agreed to, she upholds those and most of her discretion is in interpretations. So "you get to cum if you do X/Y/Z for me, or if I feel like it" is not a part of your dynamic.

      youdontknowme I think that may be because you are not kept chaste at your keyholder's whim, but you have very specific terms that you both agreed to, she upholds those and most of her discretion is in interpretations. So "you get to cum if you do X/Y/Z for me, or if I feel like it" is not a part of your dynamic.

      Yes I think you're right with all of this, however I've noticed elsewhere on the forum that the agreements often creep into much stricter levels of control over time: (longer lock-ups, thigh bands, bra etc.) Sexuality is such a huge power to have over someone and, tbh, I'm kinda surprised that over time equality is maintained in our relationship. I'm lucky I guess.

        Jonas Sexuality is such a huge power to have over someone and, tbh, I'm kinda surprised that over time equality is maintained in our relationship.

        The fact that "no orgasms ever" was your idea in the first place probably helps reduce the motivating power of sex. And unlike most of the people suffering from control creep, there is no other power imbalance going on.

          youdontknowme Yes, you're right aren't you? I slip out of being controlled by jumping right towards the ultimate sanction. I think however, I could be influenced by the removal of all sexual contact. Although I feel I can't be trusted with orgasm, I enjoy everything else!

          Jonas A half hour I guess, but that would be for all social media.

          You would not be able to post much here,so...

          Funguy If he does get the key I’m sure the belt will come off very fast

          Not surprising!πŸ˜‰

          Funguy don’t think I’ll go into long term wear anytime soon

          You may do it again?



          Even if he has a boyfriend,he can still may be forbidden to masturbate...

          youdontknowme it will not go back on as fast as it came off 😜


          youdontknowme such things need to be consensual

          I agree.

          carg Vanessa is considering

          Emilie is considering it too!πŸ˜‰

          Angelina why only after he/she has left? i think it is better if the potential partner is still there in case there are misunderstandings that can easily be cleared up

          Because they think I would fight the decision more if he/she is with me(which can be true,I've to admit).

          If there is a misunderstanding,they're not stubborn,and can accept another talk.

          But,in this case,I must stay on a "friend level" until the next talk,not be his/her girlfriend.

          Angelina that sounds very romantic πŸ™‚ but before you ask no, that is no longer possible for us, we have sold camryn's belt in the meantime. πŸ˜‰

          Too bad,she could have worn it only on the wedding day!

          Have you already opened her belt,or was it always her who opened it?

          If you already did it,you've had a romantic moment anyway,unlike Emilie and me.

          youdontknowme Yeah, the fact that it might cement an inequality may be a concern.

          In this case,it could be discussed before.

          Jonas I'm lucky

          I think so,you and your wife have found a dynamic that suits you well.πŸ™‚

            Vanessa Even if he has a boyfriend,he can still may be forbidden to masturbate...

            It's up to his boyfriend


              Not until marriage or until they live together,probably.

              Vanessa You would not be able to post much here,so...

              🀣 I'll just have to keep my posts really simple from now on:

              🍌 Non-consensual chastity bad.
              🍌 Consensual chastity good.
              🍌 I'm feeling unbelievably frustrated but unbelievably productive.
              🍌 I am happy in my belt, it's a life-goal, so don't listen to me whining about it.
              🍌 I hope everyone has a really great day/week/year/life!!


                ah ok, sorry sometimes my english gets to its limits and i get things wrong because one word i don't know is different. and yes i admit with us it was also a different situation because i could only free her but she couldn't free me.

                Vanessa You would not be able to post much here,so...

                definitely not, I look at my watch and ... Oh 55 minutes and I still have a lot to answer πŸ˜‚

                Vanessa But,in this case,I must stay on a "friend level" until the next talk,not be his/her girlfriend.

                i find it frankly interesting that your parents think they can influence whether you love someone, that was a lesson my father had to learn too (you remember i wasn't allowed to have a relationship until i was 18) but he learned that love is not controllable and certainly not who you love

                Vanessa Have you already opened her belt,or was it always her who opened it?

                uh... i think you forgot that camryn hasn't worn the belt since august (see in should i become a keyholder?). since we decided against it, the belt has been in her wardrobe. but there is still the possibility that she wears my old neosteel belt when we get married, it doesn't fit perfectly, but it should be enough for the occasion. πŸ˜‰

                  Laura But since you have a partner now it doesn't make sense anymore

                  I'm sure my mom would say it doesn't matter if I have a partner or not masturbation is still bad and shouldn't be done.

                  Jonas Well, if you do ever find yourself falling into old habits, you'll know what to do! 😁

                  🀣 Suuuuuuuure

                  youdontknowme If he knows you are such a compulsive masturbator that you need a chastity belt to keep you in check, who is to say it will not go back on as fast as it came off 😜. Especially if he seems to find your belt quite hot, he might enjoy being your only source of relief.

                  I can't say that I'm totally against the idea πŸ˜‰ Altough I'd like to start slowly to see if we both enjoy it if it's brought up.

                  youdontknowme That said, that would not be for him alone to decide, such things need to be consensual. But considering you are kept belted until you marry, he seems to have the better bargaining position.

                  Totally agree chastity can be fun and hot but if there's no consent it's neither.

                  carg I think either way it is a (symbolic) transfer of power to his husband. If they want an equal relationship, I'm not sure that such a symbolic gesture is quite fitting on their wedding day, even though it would be a romantic one. (Unless the boyfriend also wears a chastity device for the wedding, and the exchange of keys is mutual, like Vanessa is considering.)

                  We do have and are planning on having an equal relationship (except in bad of course πŸ˜‰ ) and you're right I don't think it would be a good wedding gift unless something changes before that happens. About my bf wearing a chastity belt, I could never see that happening thb πŸ˜† but you never know πŸ˜‰ both people wearing a belt in the relationship could work for some people.

                  youdontknowme Yeah, the fact that it might cement an inequality may be a concern.

                  Yes I'd say it would be unless he wants me to stay locked (not very likely especially not for long times) and we change our minds about having an equal relationship, which also isn't very likely.

                    Funguy masturbation is still bad and shouldn't be done

                    It is. But your partner should take care, not she.


                      Do you mean my partner should take care of my needs or my partner should keep me locked up πŸ˜…

                        Funguy or my partner should keep me locked up

                        You should tell your mom πŸ˜‚

                          Funguy That your partner should keep you locked up to prevent masturbation and she is not supposed to do it anyway


                            I don’t think she’d agree to that since she wouldn’t trust him to keep my locked.

                              Funguy I don’t think she’d agree to that

                              She definitely wouldn't, but she would tell you a true reason

                              Funguy she wouldn’t trust him to keep my locked

                              Like everyone else, but her

                                I would doubt that a mother who disapproves of masturbation would approve of pre-marital sex. Otherwise, your boyfriend having the key would have some advantages. If he can keep you sexually satisfied, you might have less desire to masturbate. It would probably be a bad idea for you to bring up the fact that it might actually result in less masturbation though, if you admit that you are still relieving yourself on a regular basis, you can probably kiss your private hygiene breaks goodbye.

                                Still, she will probably not let your boyfriend have the keys for a while. Maybe until you get married, but you might get lucky and have him take over the keys if you move out and are closer to him than to her. If only for practical reasons. I think that was @Nate's experience.

                                  Funguy Do you mean my partner should take care of my needs or my partner should keep me locked up πŸ˜…

                                  I would say that masturbation should not be an issue because your partner should take care of your sexual needs, but I doubt your mother will accept that as an argument. πŸ˜‚