Jen lol - guy locked up by a pregnant woman hah he better look out.

He has commitments now whether he likes it or not! 😁

I'm so happy they kept the borders closed after what happened over east. It's been so good! I keep reading articles from nutcase Americans saying how we're living under occupation in a gulag, and all we've been doing is lazing about on the beach sipping cococut water. Best summer ever! 😁

Things are just starting to kick off though, we have to wear masks indoors now because omicron got in, so we're not far behind you. Stay safe! Good luck with your driving test.

Sin Admittedly I'm 30-something and pregnant

Are you still pregnant?

  • Sin replied to this.

    Sin And is it still doing Yoga?

    • Sin replied to this.

      Joh i think it's having a rave party.

      • Joh replied to this.

        Sin Because I'm a lil bit dominant, and I like it and I deserve it. So he's stuck with it! 😁

        Understandable, you also have to endure something with the pregnancy, and he should share that with you. 😝 😂

        Jen guy locked up by a pregnant woman

        sounds like a new topic in the forum 🤣

        Sin yep 4 weeks to go... I look like I'm shoplifting a basketball at the moment!

        I wish you much success for the birth 🙂

        • Sin replied to this.

          It sounds like it will keep you on your toes after the birth.

          I wish you a smooth birth and much joy with the new earthling.

          Sin not exactly the target market for "unwed" + "chastity"... It's not like I'm saving myself for a future husband or anything of that nature.

          It is fine 😀 it means different things to different people !
          It sounds like you are happy...
          Yes from the united states it does look like parts of Australia are a gulag but that is true for every country even with no Covid

          Sin 4 weeks to go... I look like I'm shoplifting a basketball at the moment!

          Oh wow, well and you are keeping your husband close by...
          When you are pregnant it makes sense that both partners change their lifestyles and the man doesn't go off and wish you luck with his kids 😅

          • Sin replied to this.

            Sin yep 4 weeks to go... I look like I'm shoplifting a basketball at the moment!

            Awesome moment. I wish you the best.

            Megan When you are pregnant it makes sense that both partners change their lifestyles and the man doesn't go off and wish you luck with his kids

            He could try but he would need to use a bolt cutter on his private parts! I think it's safe to say he's stuck with us for now (and vice versa).

            Thankyou everyone.

              Sin He could try but he would need to use a bolt cutter on his private parts! I think it's safe to say he's stuck with us for now (and vice versa).

              Thankyou everyone.

              Oh boy I am certain you know what you are doing and he is safe but do you have a ring behind his balls?
              I saw those in pictures and I just cant believe in doing that.
              Is there a full belt for men?

                Sin Thankyou everyone.

                Wow this must be exciting!
                So 4 weeks or so and you'll be a mom?

                • Sin replied to this.

                  Megan Terrifying, huh?!
                  Doc said to pack your bag, could be anytime from now really. :-0

                    Megan do you have a ring behind his balls?
                    I saw those in pictures and I just cant believe in doing that.
                    Is there a full belt for men?

                    Yeah he has a cage now. It's a relatively new thing for him so I'm not like a total nazi with it. I guess it's more symbolic.

                    It's okay until he gets aroused, then he starts hopping and dancing a little bit! But it seems to stop growing when it identifies impending danger. He can't pull it off once it's done up, but there's lots of room behind the ring. It's not super tight or anything life threatening.

                    I quite like it, it's sexy when he walks around the house naked with a mopey look on his face, and his shiny package jingling like a cow bell! You should try it, they become much more obedient! It's amazing how many massages I'm being offered. 😁

                      Sin Terrifying, huh?!

                      Nah you're amazing you'll be great

                        Megan Is there a full belt for men?

                        There're actually a lot, My-Steel, Fancy Steel, Neosteel, Tollyboy all makes full belt for men too! (There are typical male belts and more feminine looking belts available on My-Steel, Fancy Steel and Neosteel).

                          Sin You should try it, they become much more obedient! It's amazing how many massages I'm being offered. 😁

                          you seem to have him really well under control 😉 😝